Excuses II



Sep 13, 2006
Seeing the post about excuses brought to mind the question of the Jam, Where's Festus? There are no excuse for this one, no organizer has ever missed the Jam. The other question that came up was; How many have there been?
I missed the Jam due to sickness. No sense spreading the ailment to everybody else so I stayed away. Squaretail came to visit Friday and I wouldn't even let him in the house. :-(

there have been 8 PAFF Jamboree's. The first one in 1999 at Woodward CG when Jeff F got married.

Thought I saw a skeleton in a hooded cape standin behind Fesstus when I saw him. Truth be known, I'm the no-good polecat that never showed at the campsite even though I drove by it atleast 6 times. And your right, there is no excuse. Never shoulda got the motel room.
This isn't the 1st time health problems have come between Fesstus and flyfishing. But when hes in good shape, hes one of the finest men to be at the stream with.
Your loss. We had a good time. There's always next time.