Exceptionally well written piece on wild vs. stocked trout

salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Totally disagree with you on that one.

Obviously the wild Browns in Penns aren't native but the "majority" were not stocked at some point in their lives. That creek has over 2000 streambred fish per mile. The majority of fish caught in Penns are wild.

I also disagree with him and part of me thinks he may be a troll considering it's post #1 and the population of wild fish in Penns Creek far exceeds what he thinks is in there.

Whatever club he's a member of should move their Penns Creek stocking program to a different stream.
Depends what section we're talking about. Although, agree with others, I don't know that there's anywhere where 9 out of 10 are stocked.

He said the "mid section" of Penns. I usually associate that with Coburn down to Cherry Run, i.e. the class A sections. And uh, haha, yeah, well, 98% are wild. That said, it's not stocked, even by sportsmen's clubs, so that can't be where he's talking about.

So I assume by the "mid section" he's referring to the Spring Mills to Coburn stretch. I don't fish that stretch all that often, and never after a recent stocking that I'm aware of. But for my limited experience there it's been about 50/50 in catch rates.

If he's talking about below Cherry Run, well, it depends how far below. There are some wild fish all the way down, and obviously starts off as a pretty high % on the upper end of that, but slowly fades as you go farther down.