Excellent Blog - Focuses mostly on warm water



Sep 9, 2009
Check out some of this guy's deer hair work...amazing

His deer hair work is unbelievable.I wasn't surprised to learn that he is a tatoo artist.I'm going to follow his blog for a while.
Good recommendation
There was a good article on this guy in the summer issue of The Drake.
very cool stuff. I don't have the patience, the time or the talent to work with deer hair that way... pretty neat.
he (pat cohen) also won the FlyTierofTheYear on flytyingforum.com and was pretty popular at the Somerset show.

There are some pretty indepth videos on his blog from back in the winter
just started following this blog a couple months ago. i believe the drake article said he has a background in sculpture art...guys got some serious talent w/ the deer hair.
It makes me want to try to do some basic deer hair poppers. I did a deer hair grasshopper last week that actually landed me a nice smallie. This guy is nuckin' futs though! Amazing stuff!