Erie Steelhead Fishing?



Mar 24, 2010
Hey All,
I am heading to Erie this weekend to do some steelhead fishing. Just wondering what the water conditions are like for the tribs out there. Also, if stuff is high where would be a good place to head to get some fishing in? Thanks for the help!!!
probally high from middle of state on up to top of ny. ny. got a foot of snow the other day and we got rain, everything is going to be a wash out.

quote[for those who can't wait to go north, wait, I fished elk above folly's. the water was fishable but murky to say the least, all of the ice is gone except on the banks, and as the day went on, with the sun out and the melt, the water was actually coming up and getting muddier, I left about 4. I did catch two old males, one of which was foul hooked, and a fresh hen that took an egg pattern. with the weather forcast , I can not see fishing till sunday at the least. ]

[Location: ELK
Time Observed: TUESDAY 1 APRIL
Water Conditions: UP, NICE COLOR 4/1/2014
Struggled all morning. creek was up nice and stained but faster than I first realized. could have been slower, and I fought the winds all morning with the fly rod. numbers were up on the guages but decided to give it a try anyways. just couldn't get a decent cast or drift. alot of hang-ups and lost flies. needless to say, no fish. do believe they're calling for winds the next day or so. ]