EPA report: More than half nation’s rivers in poor shape



Jun 28, 2008

The Environmental Protection Agency sampled nearly 2,000 locations in 2008 and 2009 — from rivers as large as the Mississippi River to streams small enough for wading. The study found more than 55 percent of them in poor condition, 23 percent in fair shape, and 21 percent in good biological health.

The most widespread problem was high levels of nutrient pollution, caused by phosphorus and nitrogen washing into rivers and streams from farms, cities and sewers. High levels of phosphorus — a common ingredient in detergents and fertilizers — were found in 40 percent of rivers and streams...

The report itself


I have to say it again: stream improvement and soil conservation projects would make for a great Federal stimulus program.

But the chances are nil, since the top national leadership of the Democratic Party- overwhelmingly comprised of wealthy cosmopolites who prefer telling the common people what's good for them instead of listening to them- used up its once considerable political capital to add another massive Federal entitlement program instead, back in 2009.

There's a Pyrrhic victory for you.

So why do I keep voting for Democrats? Because the Republican agenda calls for full speed ahead on coal production- which means a fast track for leveling the mountains of Appalachia, undoing mercury pollution and acid rain regulations, and withdrawing Federal EPA oversight over the states. Along with their recent record of successful filibustering of water treatment funding bills, and loud, proud support for just about every other unsound industrial and agricultural practice that's put 55% of American waterways in poor condition. The studied neglect of Republicans on matters of natural infrastructure, like soil conservation, is also a matter of record.

References for those claims available on request.

Would a Republican administration approve Pebble Mine? There's gold there! What do you think?

So we have both kinds of political parties to choose from! The Posers and the Land Rapers. And if I seem to lean in favor of the Posers these days, it's mostly because environmental concerns are paramount to me, and 10% is better than zero. Not to put too fine a point on it, but imo that's still an uncomfortably precise assessment. Especially when I look down the road 20 years, when the country has added another 50 million people. The additional infrastructure to accommodate that increase has to begin building NOW. (To which the Republican leadership would reply that "we have plenty of storm drains already", while the Democrats would look around for a can to kick.)
From the EPA report:

Compared to a 2004 stream survey, 7% fewer stream miles are in good biological condition.

Huh. Who could have guessed?

And wouldn't you know, that's an almost exact 1:1 inverse correlation with the increase in the US population between 2004 and today (+7.2%, according to the figures I've found on the 'Net.)
The override of the Clean Water & Air act hasn't helped either.
None of it surprises me a little bit, it's a sign of the times and we had better get used to it. Wait another 5 years or so, and we'll see what MS has done to our wild streams!
I don't do Fatalism. It's unhealthy. To mention only one problem with it.
barbless wrote:
I don't do Fatalism. It's unhealthy. To mention only one problem with it.

I don't either. I'm with the Founding Fathers on this one.
Yes, I do realism. It beats crawling up into a ball, sticking my head in the sand, or making excuses for apathy.

Realism emphasizes the importance of the present, rather than getting hung up on predictions- especially predictions that buy into the opposing narrative, like "better get used to it". Realism isn't about prematurely resigning from the struggle.