Elk creek water levels



Nov 27, 2012
Has anyone else felt that Elk creek in Erie cant hold water like it used to? I have been up tons of times this year. Its been a good year numbers wise but the water levels have been a joke. I have been up pretty much every weekend and the only time I can seem to get satisfying drifts is the day or two after a blow out. We still wack em when its low but I would rather fish it a little high any day. Perhaps this is due to the mouth being so much wider now after the hurricane..

Your thoughts?
There's a VERY small water table that runs into Lake Erie. It just seems worse this year because you can't really remember all the bad times of years prior. The water always rises and falls quickly and stays fairly low all season. I don't think we had any major structure changes that will effect the water levels long term. It's just not ideal in terms of fishing... maybe that's why the fish don't survive or spawn on their own.
It's been really dry this past year. Rememer, any creek (including spring creeks) drain an area of land to either a larger river or directly to a lake (or the ocean depending on location). In drought situations the creeks have little to drain, the water tables drop, and even the springs output less water.

There has been less rain in the last year and everything is effected by it.
we've had a few dry years now, especially in the fall, less rain, less snowfall.

Great lakes levels are at record historical lows upper lakes are @2 1/2'-3' below.
Haven't had a wet fall since@ 2008