


Jul 26, 2014
For the past couple years we have been making the trip to NY for the salmon runs. I have been trying eggs using estaz and mcfly foam. This year there are more of us going, and I wanted to get flies around for everybody since I'm the only one who ties.

Since I have more to do, I was thinking using pom poms from the craft store may be the easier,quicker, and cheaper option. Would these hold up? Would I use a glue base and no thread, or build up thread behind and in front of the pom pom to stop it from sliding? Any ideas for a size? I normally use a #6 hook.
If going for speed estaz or glo bug yarn. Once you have the muscle memory you can do a lot real fast.
There is a fairly new egg material on the market called Eggstacy. It’s made like chenille. Very simple and quick to tie eggs. Looks really great when wet and comes in a very wide range of colors. Might be worth trying out for your NY trip.
kobalt335 wrote:
I have been trying eggs using estaz and mcfly foam....

It really doesn't get easier and the results with these materials is pretty good for the effort and cost invested. Also, you would be sacrificing color variety. If there's a particular color you like, you would have a tough time matching it with a craft store material. Especially, those pom-pom things.

That said, I do recall some fly-tying sources selling pom-poms that had little bits of flash sticking out of them.
Pom Poms hands down,imo. I've used them in New York for browns and they work . Super glue toi keep them in place. GG
A friend of mine runs mono through pom poms melts the ends and adds some glue and attaches 4 of these do dads to his hook with thread. A beautiful egg cluster, maybe I should have kept it secret.

Oh, by the way, it works. not clustered to tight. Got to keep them separated.

I forgot 2 poms per line spaced 1/2 inch or so. You can get crafty and add a little sparkle also.
That's what I do Maxima , 2 per hook. The really small ones can be tough to put a hook through. Throw a few white ones in the mix. GG
Good fellow, Gulfgreyhound! Seems to me, he's the guy we all talk about but never got the name! You know, "i saw a guy", he was yanking them out , right and left. "what was he using, i do not know, did you talk to him, No. Did you get his name, No".

Well, we got it now. ? Gulf what! Gulfcoastbloodhound you say! Yep, seems he smells the fish! He tracks them down!
I caught 10 in New York in an Ontario Feeder Creek on pompom eggs. The 2 smallest were 20 inches long. My friend :Moose" netted all of them and batched the whole time. I even reminded him that I was his guest. GG
That's what I do Maxima , 2 per hook. The really small ones can be tough to put a hook through. Throw a few white ones in the mix. GG

So....who has a pic of these cluster eggs??
My friend has 6 or 8 per hook, looks like an egg sac. Not tight against each other, little spaced out. Ha, Ha, Ha, spaced out, sounds like me!

Picture? I am still trying to find out how you put those boxes around what people say. Maybe time for Maxi to get a friend and show me how to do pictures. It would be fun to show pictures of my escapades.

Maxima12 in action, good for a lot of laughs.
All this information is great, I'm also curious to see what these egg clusters look like. As far as my tying, it looks like I'm adding these pom pom eggs to my list along with my other stand bys.
No one has mentioned globug yarn, but if you tie smaller sizes of #8 or smaller with only half, one or two strands of yarn they work better as the light will shine through the egg just like a real trout or salmon egg.