Egg sucking leech



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
So as most of you know I am new to the Tying aspect of fly fishing and I have heard from some friends that Egg Sucking Leeches have been working well in NY. With a little research on line to see how to tie one, it says to use black hackle. Well of all the materials I have, I did not pick up any hackle yet. So I tied some up with Ice Chenille. Before I make a ton of these, will this be sufficient?


  • egg sucking leach with flas.jpg
    egg sucking leach with flas.jpg
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  • egg leach w out.jpg
    egg leach w out.jpg
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Keep tying, you'll need them all!
Flash or no Flash? Does it matter?

Lead wire underneath the Chenille? .025 or .015?
Do some of both. Flash for murky water and no flash for clear.

LRSABecker wrote:
Flash or no Flash? Does it matter?
Lead wire underneath the Chenille? .025 or .015?

Yes, maybe, yes, how heavy do you want it?

Ain't no rules, you mostly just wrap crap on hooks until you find something that fish like to put in their mouths.

Or, you look at what other people have already wrapped around hooks, and then promoted through word or deed. Copy theirs, but change out what you don't have for something that looks right.

Eventually, a fish'll put it in its mouth. Then you win! Make more.

Don't sweat the details. Just like fly selection for large stocked brook trout... it's a big target. :)

Tie some of all the combos you mentioned. Use different colored thread to differentiate the different amounts of lead wire, so you can quickly identify how heavy the flies are before you select one.
tmc 9395 (size 4 , 3x heavy , 4x long ,, mmmmm wow , yeah baby !!!! tie in the marabou like a wooly bugger and just wrap it , but first use small chenile to give it a little bulk as the marabou doesn't do that well
Nice job LRSA. The flies you've tied will work fine. You can add hackle and other stuff as folks have pointed out which will vary the weight, flash, and profile of the fly.
Nice fly.

Have you ever thought about taking a tying class? I help teach a class with the Hokendauqua TU. It is a 8 week class that starts in January and is held at the Northampton Middle School. We also do a get together tying sesion once a month at the Egypt (Whitehall) Fire Company.

Good luck, Tony

Link to Hokendauqua TU
Tony, I have planned to take your guys tying class and Wayne has told me you guys have a great time with it. Also, I would be interested in joining you guys once a month to tie. Thanks for the link. Is the Egypt fire company right by the Wild cherry market?

Wayne? Is that Wayne from Waynes Custom Rods? If so he is a really nice guy.

If you pass the market on your right side the next left will take you to the Egypt Fire Company, sorry dont know the street name, there are signs for the fire house. We tie at the actual fire station (right side) not the social hall (left side).

Good luck, Tony
While we're on this topic, I'm having a hard time finding orange beads. Can anyone point me in a good direction?
Yea that Wayne, very nice guy. and i know exactly where the fire station is now.
wgmiller wrote:
While we're on this topic, I'm having a hard time finding orange beads. Can anyone point me in a good direction?

Best beads available (hooks, too.) This guy ties for Team USA.
Hey Becker - Tony is the guy I was telling you about. I HIGHLY recommend his teaching skills. That class at Hokendauqua TU is the best run tying class I've ever seen. Those boys have been doing that class for a lot of years. It's crazy cheap, too....
re: lead, I read somewhere recently "lead diameter equal to shank diameter". Thought about my ties and I can see where I generally followed that pattern without thinking about it.
Thanks Jdaddy
when i tie any bugger pattern i always use .25 and .3 lead. helps build the body and gets it down quick
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Hey Becker - Tony is the guy I was telling you about. I HIGHLY recommend his teaching skills. That class at Hokendauqua TU is the best run tying class I've ever seen. Those boys have been doing that class for a lot of years. It's crazy cheap, too....

Thanks for the compliment.

Over the last few years we have made alot of changes/improvements to our class. We took all new detailed step by step pictures that are used in the slide show and in a new manual. We are also using better quality materials for the flies being tied in class. As far as cost goes we are trying to keep the price as low as we can. For the cost of the course the student receives a detailed step by step fly tying manual and enough materials to tie two of each fly covered at that weeks course.The cost of the course barely covers the manual and materials provided. We have also provided free courses for people from Woman in the Outdoors, Casting for Recovery, Boy Scouts to name a few. We have alot of very talented tiers that help every week, there is usually around one instructor for every four students. We teach two flies per week and cover dries, wet's, nymphs, and streamers. Each week we have a raffle that has fly rods, books, and fly tying materials.

If anyone is intersted in the course or has any questions they can contact me at or at the chapter web site

Good luck, Tony