Effective stonefly patterns for north central pa



Sep 21, 2010
Does anyone know any effective stonefly patterns for north central PA? Especially around pine creek and other streams close like asaph.

Kidding. I tweak my stonefly pattern all the time. An old standby is the woven perla stone which can be found on the Flyfishers Paradise website:

If you do not know how to weave, here is a link illustrating it. It is done with chenille in this example but looks much better with embroidery yarn or cross stitch yarn:

Some swear by the two toned look of the woven stone. Honetly, I think it does not make that much of a difference and a dubbed body would be just as good.
yep sure do. pm sent
God, I hate to be that guy, but the search is functioning and works well. Within the last month I can think of three separate thread on the topic, as well as the blog on the front page which is a stonefly pattern.
Point well made but I have to tell you, until someone sent me a PM about the "advanced search" feature, the only one I ever saw was the one at the top, and quite frankly, it was not my fav. Now that I know about the advanced, I use it all the time. Maybe we just need to get the word out better.
thanks for the tips on the patterns and the advanced search feature ive only used the regular search and that didnt turn up much
Advanced search feature? Ok who's gonna hook me up? I've been fumblin thru pages & pages of info using the other search function. Most days I spend 6-7 hrs on here looking for info only to get side tracked by another topic. No wonder my eyes are killing me!
delta_dog wrote:
Advanced search feature? Ok who's gonna hook me up? I've been fumblin thru pages & pages of info using the other search function. Most days I spend 6-7 hrs on here looking for info only to get side tracked by another topic. No wonder my eyes are killing me!

Bottom right of the page.

Protip: use control f to search a loaded webpage for certain text. As someone that stares at a screen for a living, I can tell you that your eyes will be grateful.
Moderators, any chance we could get a write up on the front page of the website about the advanced search feature. I for one only know about it because someone PM'd me. Maybe it would help as a nice reminder. Jayl is a truly informative and helpful person but even he is gonna get tired of telling us all!
jayL wrote:
Protip: use control f to search a loaded webpage for certain text. As someone that stares at a screen for a living, I can tell you that your eyes will be grateful.

Cool tip Jayl, thank you very much.

Thanks JayL!