
BTW, I hooked up with Fredrick right after that post, and we've been friends and fished together ever since. I can't believe it's been 5 years already! That's one of the great things about this site.[/quote]
That is too cool... :)
troutbert wrote:
You can make things a simple or complicated as you like. I don't change leaders when going from nymphs to dries or vice versa. The butt of the leader stays on there, and I simply adjust at the tippet end.

Sometimes going from nymphs to dries, when they start rising, is a simple as snipping off the beadhead nymph, and tying on the dry fly.

But sometimes you may want to go to the next lighter size of tippet for fishing the dries. So you just cut back the final tippet to about 13 inches or so, add on a long piece the finer tippet, tie on the dry fly and go to it.

Leaders don't have to be exactly like the formulas say. Lots of people use different formulas, and catch fish, so it's not a precise thing by any means.

You simply adjust for conditions. If the water is fast, high and off color, you might be using a big weighted stonefly nymph. So you can use a short, heavy (3x) tippet.

If the water is slow moving and clear, and you're fishing a size 18 BWO nymph, that's a whole different thing. You're going to want a much longer tippet, and much finer (probably 6x). You just carry spools of tippet material, and adjust the leader at that end. You don't have to change the butt of the leader.

+1 to what Troutbert says above - keep it simple.

I use a furled mono butt for my leaders for both nymphing and dry fly fishing. You can do the same using either a knotted or extruded store-bought leader. I too simply adjust end of the leader to change over.
Fredrick wrote:
I'm still new to this sport and want to pick alot of your brains, about nymphing. First I would like to know what kind of leader to use specifically tippet size and lenth. And how do you know if you are getting a good drift ,and what to look for to tell if its a good drift and if the fly is getting down deep enough to the fish since most of fish now are hugging the bottom now. Also tandem rigs with two nymphs, is this a good way to nymph and what would be a good setup to use through winter. Also any info on different techniques such high sticking, swing , ect. Any info that you guys and girls can give, would be very helpful for me on my quest for knowledge .

:hammer: Thanks Fred

Break it down. Do one thing at a time and how good are you at tying knots? Really, it kills me to have to re-rig. So my leader is never longer than my forearm with hand included. I have long arms. My tippet almost double ..a length from my nose to the stretch of my arm. Start there. At least you will know where you started and you'll have a base point. Right or wrong.

Drift....look at your line. loop forward like a sail with the wind blowing it downstream you are too slow, a fish takes it and you won't get the set. Loop like a sail against the current (boat getting sent up-stream), It means your nymph is out front of your line which is good just don't let it run away. You'll figure it out.

gfen wrote:
halcyon days.


Dredging the bottom for stuff from the old days?!?

Back then Fredrick was a he's now a shark!!

BTW, I hooked up with Fredrick right after that post, and we've been friends and fished together ever since. I can't believe it's been 5 years already! That's one of the great things about this site.

Thxs for the info guys Afish is right we meet up together after I started this thread and he showed me the ropes and we have been friends ever since :-D Gary just brought up this thread to tease me a little because I am venturing into the world of comp fly fishing right now.
thingamabobber, tapered leader, size 14 BHPT with a size 14 caddis larva dropper 12 to 18" below. 2 small splits in between. Should land you a few

(I was confused at first too)

I said to myself, "this is a joke, Fred is a fine fly fisherman and is just jabbing us from the constant monotony of the same questions every year from this site". Then I found the dates of the post.

I looked back at my first few posts from the site a few months ago and it was laughable as to what I know now. This site is awesome and I've learned a ton from it since I don't have a mentor. Met some great friends and have now been the mentor to many people.

Dig a hole and I will fall into it.

If you're going to comp..That was not the stupidest advice I could have given. Pretty lame given all of the custom leaders. Too much time on the beginners forum..if you are considering competition. There is no measuring when you rip out line after you just wrapped a tree and need to redo and you have 5 minutes left until your beat ends and nothing to show in your net. . Grab some line, grab a fly, 5 second knot, netting, netting, netting if you catch something and don't get so excited that you bump the fish accidentally in the nose and lose it or catch one and have a controller that is gabbing at the top of the bank instead of where you asked him to wait. LOL! Maybe Gary will volunteer to be a controller.

If you're going to do it. Save more then you spend on fishing gear for hotels food and lodging. I heard bologna and bleu cheese sandwiches are the fuel of champions. Best of Luck.

Hey, wait a minute! Get some advice, invest a few days applying said advice to your stream tactics, and experience that kind of success (2 very large fish) in that short of a time... There's got to be some magic in here somewhere. And to think, I can't get out there and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE... Life's just not fair!!
Oops! I should have checked the original post date. I couldn't understand why Frederick would post as though he were just beginning... My bad.
OldLefty wrote:
Oops! I should have checked the original post date. I couldn't understand why Frederick would post as though he were just beginning... My bad.

Well since we took the bait so to speak lets ride with your post before this one. Actually the words "two big fish".

How about we talk about not catching any fish at all. Or catching that one fish when nobody is catching anything. What does it take to catch a trout in frog water? In flood conditions?

If we are talking about competition what does it take to not be overwhelmed? To even want to join the madness and to stick with it year after year without making the rooster?

That would be an interesting post to say the least. And I think you could tell it well. :)
Not one of u mentioned that "little brown wink" underwater hmmmm
Mine when I fished had small blue spots. Wink! :) When I was told that was impossible as their were none? I can't believe I didn't have to show a body. Another story another day. Just Huge fun memories fishing with Lefty was like fishing with my Son... I Caught 2 Brookies while being LEFT behind for better current but I caught both my small brookies all by my self with doubting eyes. No brookies eye! Actually my hook? Gosh I may have a picture somewhere.

Anyway it was fun!
