Educate me on winter fishing

some winter ideas for smaller PA streams here
Nice article. Thanks k-bob.

Chuck big meat with a 6 weight and hope for a big fat slob kype jaw browns.
I got out yesterday in poconos. Fun, but quickly reminded how much glare snow creates on water. Good time of year for the sunglasses.
Winter fishing for me involves sleeping in and then heading out in the early afternoon hours when the water warms a few degrees and the midges start to pop. The fish will then get active and a patient and observant fisherman will be there waiting for the action to start. I only use one midge emerger pattern all winter. Works for me.

Occasionally I will chuck streamers too. Low and slow.
I'll never tell . . .
Olive bugger down deep twitched very slowly. Worked well for me the past few days in SE PA. Midges too as CLSports said above
I did go out Friday before Christmas and they were hammering just about any olive or brown nymph pattern in the streams. I Fish a stocked pond and the black leaches where the ticket.

I will be fishing next Friday. I am considering taking Thursday off as well and fishing both days. Seems like a good plan to me.
favorite winter fly.


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