Ed Shenk

I had conversations with Mr Shenk on five or six occasions and every time he complained about Vince stealing his pattern. (And he never failed to praise Charlie Fox.)
I once had the pleasure of butting into a conversation Ed was having about WWII (another interest of mine) with some other guys at Cold Spring Anglers.

I then asked him if I bought a copy of "Fly Rod Trouting" would he inscribe to me, which he did with pleasure and he even drew a Letort Cricket next to it.

BTW - Charlie Fox was a peach of guy. Whenever I was in town I used to have breakfast with him at the Farmer's Market Restaurant.

Great days and memories which made me proud to be a "native" Pennsylvania angler.
So sad to hear today of the passing of Ed Shenk. Ed was a true legend, one of the best to fish the waters, ever! Those of us who knew him, will tell u what a true gentleman his was. Unlike others who feast on the spot light with books and videos every week, Ed remained true n humble. I have known him around 25 years since taking one of his fishing schools out at Allenbury some years back with Joe Humphrey's. From that point on, I have shared many good times with both. His stories and tips are priceless! I have had the pleasure of fishing with him a number of times. Yes he was good. Never the show off. Will miss those tales at the old Allenberry bar as well as those dinner rolls!
Let's not forget Shenks Minnow as well.
joebamboo wrote:
Let's not forget Shenks Minnow as well.

I fished my version of Eds Shenks minnow today for a few hours. It was unproductive.
I landed four on the Shenks minnow the other day. Hadn't used one in years.
There is a great article written by Dave Weaver about Ed Shenk posted on the PAFF "Home" page here.
Ed was a class individual and will be deeply missed. First met Ed on the Letort in 1973 or 1974. Always helpful, but never intrusive. One thing I noticed that first meeting was short rod rod which couldn’t have been an inch over five feet. I was fortunate to have owned one of his short 1 piece fiberglass rods (5’1” 3 wt 1 pc). I donated it to CVTU’s banquets several years ago.

If I could have but two flies for the rest of my life, they would be his cress bug and white streamer.
I'm going to miss Ed. I had the good fortune of living just up the road from him. I would often stop by when he was on the porch while taking my son for a walk in his stroller. My son has special needs - Ed was as kind to him as a grandfather.

The man knew more about the LeTort than I could hope to learn in several lifetimes.
Ed, Yes, Good "Ol Ed". Some of the trout he caught, were nearly as long as my arm and big around. That is true! What, however is true, is Shenk's appeal! You know, i call it "Karisma".

You want to be a good fly fisher but also karisma is needed! Ed Koch has it, Joe Humphrey has it, George Harvey has it, Charles Fox has it, etc.,etc.

There is always more to fishing than meets the eye! Anybody can fish, it is more "how you fish". These boy's took it a little bit more, than just fishing! So let us ask the question?

"How do you fish"? For you, or for all!

I like to think, I fish for all and give all a fair shake. You want to know where the big one is, I will tell.

Nothing, like the boy's, gives me greater pleasure than you catching it. Many say, "I have the rod, many do not have the fish".

That whole gang down Cumberland County Pa. has been leaving. I am very sorry to see them go!

I am looking forward to a "New Gang". You know, the boy's with the Karisma! Hope it is you!

The boy's are back in town, looking for a fight. You better let them! Dressed to kill, down at Pineau's Bar and Grille!
