EB Fishing Creek



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
I was wondering if there's been any positive improvement on the EB of Fishing Creek in Columbia/Sullivan counties? Last time I fished it was about 10 years ago and it was "dead". A beautiful stretch of stream and no trout. Someone told me that there are actually a few good natives still in that stream though. Any insight?
I've fished it a couple of times during the last ten years and have done o k. I've always fished it during the cooler months. Fishing Creek certain has come a long way since the DH area at Grassmere Park is gone. When I've fished there it's been pretty good even during the summer, the 2 branches actually sink (think Substrate) during low flows down near route 118. Looking over the bridge and driving around that area, reveals quite a few springs where the water comes back up and trout in the springs.
The headwaters of both branches seem to be very infertile though, especially the EB, so the population there isn't quite what it is in the WB. The tribs can be good and some of the tribs to other tribs of Fishing Creek appear to have good fishing, but I haven't fished them yet. If you want more info, PM me.
Fished the WB up in SGL13 last week. Nice habitat up there. Caught one 7" wild brown in about 2 hrs of fishing. I suspect the popn. density is low in that reach. Just below the Game lands, through the villages of Elk Grove and Central, the channel is filled with cobble (huge bars), I suppose mostly from the hurricane of September 2011. Or perhaps that reach is just generally subject to deposition. A local guy in the general store said that portion of the stream dries up in summer (flows under the bed of cobble and boulder), before re-emerging DS near Route 118.
Below the game lands it is stocked and there are quite a few cabins, therefore harvest is quite high. Go up into the game lands where the populations are higher.
I have explored this area quite a bit over the last few years. The fishing is a little slow in the EB but a little better, not great, in the tribs. I agree that they are infertile. The scenery on Heberly and Sullivan runs is awesome. Its like Ricketts Glen without trails. I filmed a brook trout eating another brook trout half its size on Heberly run.
Trout eating trout video
Yep, Heberly and Sullivan are pretty streams. Back in the early 2000's I did very well on wild fish on the WB of Fishing Creek. Today things are quite different. Just another case of stocking over wild fish.