Easton Anglers, PA



Dec 29, 2014
I am heading up to Cresco, PA for the weekend and looking to hit some local water up there. I noted that the Bushkill runs through a large section of land owned by Easton Anglers Association that is surrounded by the Delaware State Forest. I have been trying to google if this property is open to fishing and was hoping someone could confirm it for me on here. Not looking for spots, just don't want to trespass since I am bringing a couple first time fly fishermen with me. Thank you.
I don't know about that property in particular, but in the Poconos land falls mostly in these two categories:

1) Publicly owned land.

2) Posted land.

There isn't much of the category of private but unposted land.

Understand, all I have to go on right now is google searches and OnxMaps. Haven't actually put boots on the ground there yet. Been checking out creeks in the area but I'm worried with the rain tomorrow most will be blown out. Have a couple of guys who want to get into fly fishing that I planned on taking out and just trying to figure out the best place based on access and water level.
I am pretty sure that is one of the members clubs in the area. There are a couple on the Brodhead and Paradise watersheds too. For guys new to FF'ing head over 940 towards the Tobyhanna DHALO. They will have a ball, and the flow should be fine there.