Half a dozen eggs in hand, and a couple of you have already told me yours are in the mail.
So far, I have the following
1. Laurel Run: Eggs over easy
2. laszlo: Clown egg
5. njtroutbum: Ice egg
11. JG63: Powderpuff Highlighter Special
12. Ryguyfi: Tom's Knotty egg
C. Shadle's pink yarn eggs (I'm not sure which of you this is below)
3. 717Browntown : egg pattern
4. pabrookie94: Tbd
6. pmelle: Antron Egg
7. FlipnFliy: TBD
8. Skybay: Attractor Egg
9. Drumat26: Estaz Egg
10. Suckerspawn: McFly Foam Egg w/ hotspot
Let me know how you are making out and if anyone isn't able to complete. I'd like to get these back to everyone by next weekend.
Halfway there, and I am impressed at the varieties in something so simple as an egg pattern! Thanks everyone!