Easter Egg fly swap

Eggs away! Construction photos follow.







They should be at the host station 5 APR 16. Enjoy everyone!
Mine are done. Just have to pop them in the mail.
My Estaz eggs are down, should go in the mail today or tomorrow!
Hate to do this guys but im gonna have to drop out. Work just got really busy and I dont have the time. Sorry about that.
Looks like a spot opened up for suckerspawn
Got NJ's and jg's today

suckerspawn, sorry if my Pm didn't come through. I will send again. Send me a PM and I will also reply. Not sure if I'm just doing something wrong there.
Half a dozen eggs in hand, and a couple of you have already told me yours are in the mail.

So far, I have the following

1. Laurel Run: Eggs over easy
2. laszlo: Clown egg
5. njtroutbum: Ice egg
11. JG63: Powderpuff Highlighter Special
12. Ryguyfi: Tom's Knotty egg

C. Shadle's pink yarn eggs (I'm not sure which of you this is below)

3. 717Browntown : egg pattern
4. pabrookie94: Tbd
6. pmelle: Antron Egg
7. FlipnFliy: TBD
8. Skybay: Attractor Egg
9. Drumat26: Estaz Egg
10. Suckerspawn: McFly Foam Egg w/ hotspot

Let me know how you are making out and if anyone isn't able to complete. I'd like to get these back to everyone by next weekend.

Halfway there, and I am impressed at the varieties in something so simple as an egg pattern! Thanks everyone!


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C SHADLE is me
I missed the part about labeling the flies
First fly swap i participated in.
Actually my son is the fly tyer in the house.
I just buy materials and he fills my boxes
I got PA Brookie's today and expect the last couple that I need shortly. I'll get these out to you all as soon as I get them.
Flies will be headed out tomorrow. A great variety of materials and techniques! We did have one drop out, so everyone gets a dozen eggs, with one from every other entry plus a few of your own. Thanks everyone for participating in my first swap.

Special thanks to everyone that sent along extra flies for me! Much appreciated and I hope to post some successful catches on here when i get them in the water.
Thanks for organizing! Thanks to all who participated.This was a first fly swap I participated in. I should say the first my son tyed flies for. He is 16 and ties daily I just supply the materials. I am sure he will want to participate in another one.
Got em yesterday. They all look great! Thanks all for making my first swap enjoyable. Special thanks to Laurelrun for putting it all together. Mine were the double dip with bead in the middle ones. I posted construction pics on this thread. Looking forward to another one! JG63
Flies arrived yesterday! Thanks all for the patterns, and thanks much to Laurelrun for for a very nicely run swap!


