Early Stone - Taeniopteryx Nivalis


Active member
Sep 13, 2006
This one comes out in March to May when water temps are in the low forties. Taeniopteryx Nivalis size 12 12-14 mm. long
large compared to the other earlier stone flys.
Found in marsh creek:


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Perhaps it is a different bug, but I would expect to see berks county highlighted. Always good numbers of little early stones around some of those streams.
(Strophopteryx fasciata)Mottled Willowfly in berks co.
I don't know. They look just like the one in the pic. I grew up in southern berks county, just a long bike ride from Chester county (well, my nutty friends rode to st. Pete's anyway, and I know French creek gets them). Bugs know no borders, so I'm sure it could've been either.
very close in color and size though the mottled willowfly has slightly more brown than black, same fly would work. the nymph of the other(nivalis) has a white stripe down its back similar to a Isonychia nymph.
jayL wrote:
Perhaps it is a different bug, but I would expect to see berks county highlighted. Always good numbers of little early stones around some of those streams.


Sandy's Stones are a little bigger and hatch a little later. My guess as to the one's you mentioned are Tiny Winter Blacks - Capniidae. They appear in the winter and crawl in the snow on the bank- just like the ones we saw last winter when we fished the Octoraro ("River of no Fish").

Here's a pic from Troutnut:



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I see little blacks around my house for about 6 months out of the year. I saw one as early as about October for a few months, and then they pick back up in Febuary or March depending on weather. They're the ones afish posted. I'm sure different species, but very similar in size and color. They're typically around a size 18, sometimes smaller.

I saw those too, but the ones I'm thinking of were usually around on opening day.
What you are seing in that area during winter into spring is:
(Allocapnia granulata) Tiny winter blacks


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I know for certain that Lycoming County has tiny Winter stones. Used to catch them over Xmas break on the bridge by my parents' house in Williamsport.
Are the tiny winter nymphs a reasonable thing to fish in the winter when there are no adults apparent? I've never seen a small stonefly nymph, so I'm curious what sort of pattern would be useful.
small 12 - 16 nymphs


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Gallegher Special


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Thanks Sandfly. Those are some nice ties and give me plenty of ideas. Maurice, that is another nice solution. Thanks for the link.
Actually in Berks County and much of the SE PA region there are at least 2 different early stones that hatch, both are very dark one is skinny and a #18 to 20 and the other is a #12 to 14 it has a much heavier body. The small ones hatch from Feb 1 toaround the middle of the month the other from March 1 to April.
I see another small black stonefly, it could even be the same one, that hatches spordacially all year, near home.
i seen a tiny black stone on the south side of pittsburgh today out side of thai me up should have taken a pic