Early spring crappie fishing


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2023
I have seen guys post on here in years past about 'ice out' crappie fishing. I hesitated to call it that because there is obviously no ice this year.

I wanted to ask when does this bite generally start to happen for you guys and what type of shoreline do you look for to fish from. I have a decent size lake with a good crappie population very near me and wanted to give it a shot this year. Plus i have some line and rod combos i want to test cast so why cast on the lawn when you can be on the water, thanks!!
I have seen guys post on here in years past about 'ice out' crappie fishing. I hesitated to call it that because there is obviously no ice this year.

I wanted to ask when does this bite generally start to happen for you guys and what type of shoreline do you look for to fish from. I have a decent size lake with a good crappie population very near me and wanted to give it a shot this year. Plus i have some line and rod combos i want to test cast so why cast on the lawn when you can be on the water, thanks!!
Right after ice out I look for shallow flats near deeper water. The crappies can come up into the shallow water during the warmer parts of the day and then scoot back into the deeper water as it gets colder.

Towards the middle of April I start to focus more on structure and spawning habitat.

I’ll be getting the boat out this weekend provided the lakes are free of ice.
On Friday afternoon I saw people fishing at one of the local crappie hotspots.
I have seen guys post on here in years past about 'ice out' crappie fishing. I hesitated to call it that because there is obviously no ice this year.

I wanted to ask when does this bite generally start to happen for you guys and what type of shoreline do you look for to fish from. I have a decent size lake with a good crappie population very near me and wanted to give it a shot this year. Plus i have some line and rod combos i want to test cast so why cast on the lawn when you can be on the water, thanks!!
The water temps should be good right now for this early bite. I would give it a try.
This may not be good for fly anglers, but at this time of the year some lakes fish well in coves that are on the windward sides of lakes. What little lower density, warmer water is present on sunny, warmer days will be pushed into those coves by the wind. Even as the wind subsides, the fishing pattern may continue for a few days if the nights aren’t too cold and the daily sunlight is strong, keeping the crappies in place. Colder nights may not affect each cove the same since water depth may also play a role. The first hour during and after dusk/dark may be good in some cases and that’s sometimes when the catching starts on days when the catching has been slow. Fish will often feed within the top foot of the water column in darkness. After that first hour the catching often slows or stops. This particular pattern tends to develop in early March in normal years. Could be earlier this year, but some wind, usually from the west or southwest on sunny days would be helpful. NW winds might be good too, but they typically follow passage of a cold front, which might chill the water after a day of good fishing action.
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Is anyone familiar with Middle Creek Lake? We never caught a whole lot growing up there. There was, however, good crappie fishing around opening day. Lots of bullheads too. I have always felt MC Lake has deteriorated and did note culling of the carp which must have been a real problem. Has anyone fished the lake the last 10-20 years and done much. Just curious.
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Crappie spawn between April to mid-May or so. They start inching in to the shallower stuff in March.
To the OP, which waters do you have in mind? Sayers (Howard) is a classic crappie lake that is polluted with fish, bit I've found better quality of fish at Black Mo. Also, Holman Lake (Little Buffalo)used up treat me pretty good. Faylor and Walker were only okay to me.

I used to crappie fish a decent amount.
To the OP, which waters do you have in mind? Sayers (Howard) is a classic crappie lake that is polluted with fish, bit I've found better quality of fish at Black Mo. Also, Holman Lake (Little Buffalo)used up treat me pretty good. Faylor and Walker were only okay to me.

I used to crappie fish a decent amount.

Just a marginal local lake near me in Bucks co. It has a decent panfish population and is real close to home for some quick stress relief on a weeknight!
What makes a lake in SE PA "marginal?"

Shallow, gets real warm and algae bloom-y in the summer time. Decent place to fish in the spring. If I couldnt drive there in 90 seconds from my house i'd probably never fish there
Shallow, gets real warm and algae bloom-y in the summer time. Decent place to fish in the spring. If I couldnt drive there in 90 seconds from my house i'd probably never fish there
Drag some Texas-rigged rubber worms through there, or fish those weedless rubber frog lures over the grass beds.

Boy, that brings back some good memories from my childhood.
I catch crappies shallow Feb-may right now is my favorite time before all the people get out. I fish shallow real shallow. Weather it's flats rocks or wood I don't spend time not catching fish I constantly move to find active fish. I'm not fly fishing I'm pitching jigs. I spin fish crappies and walleyes and ff everything else. But I always keep some small Flys with me when there finicky. But I'm running Bobby garlands 99/100 . Move move move couple warm rains it's gonna be crazy fishing