

Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Gonna win tonight
It i now 11:45pm, and i somehow doubt that :p
I think andy Reid is a terrific coach, but punting 4th and 15 when there was zero chance the defense could stop McAlister???
Absolutely. That play call and the series before when they kicked the field goal. Why rely on the defense that could NOT stop them?
Still proud of the way they turned it around. Them and the Jets were nice stories this season. Good luck Saints.

WOW, what a well thought out and mature arguement. You surely must have been the captain of your debate team. Perhaps even schooled in the art of conversation at Oxford.

Had the eagles won, that would have put them in the NFC championship 5 of the last 6 years...Hmmm...You are very well informed also...4 out of 6 doesn't suck either.
if's, when's, and almosts dont count. Going to NFC championship games and being NFC East champs are nice. but there is only 1 game that counts and winning it is all that matters. that is the Super Bowl. Plain and simple. anything else is a disappointment.
OOOHH Tom, that hurt. :lol: Calm down, take your meds.
Wasn't looking for an argument. Just my thoughts which I'm entitled to. Don't like them, never have, never will. Win lose or draw. Look for your argument elsewhere. I'm too busy.
Wow. Opened this thread thinking it had something to do with the big white headed birds, not a football team. Saw a bald eagle in my backyard the other day. I have a big back yard. He/she flew out of my woods right in front of me while i was hauling firewood back to the house. He/she might have been eyeballing my chickens. True story. Very cool thing to see.

It doesn't matter that the P Eagles lost. The whole NFC was pretty poor again this year, and it will take an act of God for any of the NFC teams to beat either of the two AFC teams that are left. So I guess you could say that the Saints have the best chance?
Well the good news for all of us Pennsyltuckians is that at least now our governor, Fat Eddie can focus on his day job not his weekend job.
Now that we're talking football. Having an appreciation for the whole NFL (fantasy football will do that to ya) I think the eagles had a great season. Having your star quarterback go out and have your backup (even though he could start for half of the teams in the NFL) do as well as he did is saying alot. They have talent and have the ability to go all the way, yet they have recently disapointed the city of phily. As a Steeler fan I would of course like to see Pittsburgh win the superbowl every year, but seeing how well the other half of the state is doing is also great. However, I hope the eagles aren't a team modeling after Dan Marino. Great player but never won the big one. Good luck to the Eagles in the future as long as they're not playing the STEELERS!!

p.s. My preseason pick of turnaround team of the year was the Saints. Didn't think they'd do this well.
Bamboozle wrote:
Well the good news for all of us Pennsyltuckians is that at least now our governor, Fat Eddie can focus on his day job not his weekend job.

Is there some evidence he hasn't been able to focus on both?
JackM wrote:
Is there some evidence he hasn't been able to focus on both?

I guess the fact I haven't received my property tax relief and I have to pay for State Police escorts to the Comcast Sportsnet studios leads me to believe he's preoccupied as usual with his favorite pastime, Philadelphia, AKA Murder City.
Last I checked, the Governor cannot give you a property tax rebate. The opposition party has controlled both houses of state government during the Governor's entire first term. Perhaps you should inquire with them about your relief check.
The Eagles had a great season, considering what happened, now that all the Pa teams are done I am going to root for the Saints, they need all the positive stuff they can get down there, besides the
Saints look really good
Bamboozle wrote:
I haven't received my property tax relief

Count your blessings. I got my property tax relief in 2004. They lowered the mil rate but reassessed the property. Even after contesting the reassessment, like a trailer that appreciated 100% in 10 years, taxes went up.

Mom and dad’s house is in a different county where voters have to approve a reassessment, so it hasn’t happened in over 30 years. One of the nuances of the tax relief bill was that it is tied to county wide reassessment. Maybe your county is one of the hold outs.
I am a Pittsburgh native stuck living in Philly....thank goodness the Iggles lost. A brutal city with worse fans.

They should change the cheer from E-A-G-L-E-S to S-T-I-N-K-S

My neighbor is a huge eagles fan with a young and impressionalbe son. If you ask me that is terrible parenting...raising your kid to root for philly teams. Headed for a lifetime of disappointment and many hours of counseling and therapy as an adult.

Football is only played in one half of the state....and that franchise is now playing for a ring to go on their SECOND hand.
As a lifetime Eagles fan, and someone who has lived in the Philly area for 30 years and worked in the city for the past 14 years, I hope your comment was made with tongue in cheek. Otherwise it reflects much more poorly on Pittsburgh fans than on Philadelphia or its fans.

That aint so bad. Look at the bright side. You could be stuck in Cleveland. :-D
FarmerDave has a great point.
Recently went to school in ohio, and when Cleveland fans are wearing their Tim Couch jerseys underneath their bandwagon jumping Pink Rothlisberger or Ward jerseys it's kind of a pathetic football town. :-D