Eagle Claw Featherlight $11 at Walmart



Aug 24, 2010
The Walmart I went to tonight had the 7' 5/6 featherlight bannana on clearance for $11! Well I own one now... The Levittown Walmart has a few left and others might too. If $20 was to much coin for you now is your chance.
You should have bought all they had ,you could have made a fortune selling them !!!!!!!!!
Buy for $11...sell to biker, Sas and gfen for $75. Lol. Lots of guys are looking for those.
They're a fun little rod! Keep it and chase brookies with it. The yellow won't scare them away, trust me! :-D
sorry, I'm cheap, not gonna pay 75 bucks for eagle claw! BUT, I might have to check a couple of my local stores. 11 bucks, can't go wrong!
Just make sure it's the walnut reel seat. The plastic one SUCKS.

Kray, come on dawg! Squatchy already got his, I ain't buying another one!
PS-It definitely does not scare away brookies.
Definitely does not scare away chubs, and either does a size 12 stimy...

I know exactly where you're standing in that pic...there's usually a Brookie or two over in that run on the far bank. Is that where the Chub came from...odd for them to hold in water that swift?
You've been that far up? That's well up into the boyscout property, just before the big meadow section that looks like classic limestoner.

I have yet to catch a trout out of that section. When we got there, I asked Keith if I could have that stretch, as I have a score to settle w/ a trout I've connected with several times but failed to land. Then I caught a chub...

That's a very realistic looking streamer you got on the line. :lol:
Yeah, took a long walk from the big lot a few weeks ago.

It's funny...the Brookies in that stream really push the Chubs out of the prime lies. A lot of times you find them together, but I only catch Chubs in the junk water on that stream.
Yeah that's a really long walk!

I usually only find the chubs in the frog water. I also find big brookies in the frog water. To find one in a run like that...meh. Not what I was expecting.
Let's call him "CHUBMASTER".
I'm leaving PAFF forever if people start calling me that!