drying neoprene waders



New member
Sep 22, 2006
I did a quick search, but couldn't find an answer to my question. I have neoprene bootfoot chest waders that are damp in the boot. How do I go about getting them dry?
I would try turning them inside out as far as possible by rolling the legs down over top the boot. Then hang it upside down so gravity will let any water drip out. If you do this in a room with warm dry air (laundry or furnace room), they should dry out pretty quick. If they need help, you could use a hot air blow drier or if you don't have one, a reversed shop-vac to force air (preferably hot air) into the boot portion.
I ended up stuffing some towels down into the toe of the boot a couple different times and this seemed to dry them out pretty well.