dry fly set up



Mar 11, 2021
to all the major dry fly guys.. i recently got into making my own tapered leaders and i have been following the george harvey slack leader formula.. we are taking our fly craft out tomorrow for a nine mile float and i was planning on using some of these leaders..i was able to get out and test them the last two weekends but my question is regarding Amnesia. Awhile back, an old timer at a fly shop had put a short length of amnesia onto the end of my rod that i use to throw dries. i’m noticing when i’m using my leaders that sometimes they cast smoothly but more often than not, i notice the but end or the beginning of the leader to kind of (crash) into the water instead of landing smoothly. maybe this is because of my casting i’m not too sure but just was wondering should i remove the amnesia since i am only using this rod to throw dries now?
Yo Stee

Rather than remove the Amnesia, I would add a few inches of mono sized several thousands of an inch smaller. This would provide more energy transfer to your leader. In fact, I would step down the butt all the way to the butt end of the leader.
So many things can cause this…… wind, wind resistant flies, cast and of course leader. I would remove the amnesia. Leaders have got to be the biggest fairy tail in fly fishing. Keep it simple especially if your leaders worked pre-amnesia.
Yo Stee

Rather than remove the Amnesia, I would add a few inches of mono sized several thousands of an inch smaller. This would provide more energy transfer to your leader. In fact, I would step down the butt all the way to the butt end of the leader.
thank you so much going to work on it i appreciate it
So many things can cause this…… wind, wind resistant flies, cast and of course leader. I would remove the amnesia. Leaders have got to be the biggest fairy tail in fly fishing. Keep it simple especially if your leaders worked pre-amnesia.
that makes sense deck.. i know obvi with hoppers there was some trouble but when i went to smaller flies such as 20s and 22s it was still doing it but thank you for the info
I've used the Harvey formula for years. Once mastered--takes a slight change in your casting stroke--you'll find your catch can nearly double. The Amnesia, if it is the correct diameter, will not hurt the performance of the leader. Read the dry fly chapter in Joe Humpreys' "Trout Tactics."