Drop Shot Nymphing



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I've used this method for many years for trout fishing as well as SMB river fishing. It works great.

Attached is a really old thread and post of mine along with a good article explaining when and where to use the method.

that’s all I use now. Really helps with snags/lost flies since split shot slides off before line brakes. Really let’s me know when tucking bottom.
Lately, I've been building a ~30" backbone of 3X with a trout ring in the middle and at the bottom. Then I have a fly about 6" off each ring on 4X and a split shot about 8" below the bottom ring on 4X. A single half hitch at the bottom saves a lot of shot.

This rarely tangles, but when it does I get an epic birds nest requiring cutting off both flies, de-tangling, and retying. The 3X backbone survives anything except tree limbs, so I'm more careful about them now, because this assembly is time consuming to reproduce. Overall, I'm definitely loosing fewer flies.

Can't say I'm catching more fish, because all I've been doing lately is proving there aren't enough stockies left in my local put & take stream to justify the time to find them.