drone pics and video of catskills



Active member
Dec 3, 2009
I opened up my camp last weekend and I took my drone along and wanted to capture some of the scenery and beauty of the the area. I apologize for a few jerky frames but it was extremely windy at times and Im still learning. Try to watch in HD if you can and let me know what you think.

Thanks for watching

great footage, enjoyed seeing the views
thank you. I actually have some better views but i had so much footage i couldn't find some of the shots i took. I could probably make another short video will all different shots and views.
very nice-next stop ---Montana-you will have me crying like a baby.
gotta admit--opened it up with a negative old windbreaker attitude but it was a true pleasure to watch and also see areas I have never been to but wanted to from all the older timers books I read--
I repeat--very nice and enjoyable.
thank you,sir.
Thank you for the kind words. Im still learning how to capture those candid and revealing shots so I appreciate the feedback and thanks for watching. My video really doesn't do that area justice for how gorgeous it really is.
you don't want to get too professional-lose the kindred soul feeling-
Thanks for posting. I enjoyed it!
Nice photos. I like those channel splits/islands sections.

What is the music?

Very nice!! That made my night after a tough day at work.
Thanks. Looks great
29 years ago, i had my first fishing up there ......it was Lower Barnharts pool. Think I need to spend a sentimental day back on it.

Thank J
Thanks guys I appreciate the kind words and Andy Barnharts was my dads favorite pool so i like to fish there for sentimental reasons as well.
Very nice video, thanks for sharing.
Very nicely done! How long did it take to edit the clips together?
Gene I had a lot of footage to go through. It took a couple hours. With practice you get better and quicker at it.