Donegal Creek Newbie



Dec 25, 2010
Hi, guys!! I've been reading this forum for the past several months. I'm new to fly fishing, just starting in June, and love soaking-in all
of the opinions, tactics, etc., from the good people on this forum.
I'm only 5 minutes from the Donegal and have tried to fish it several
times w/o any luck!! If anyone happens over to the creek, please let
me know. I would love to tag along and just watch a fly fisherman with more experience than I, fish the creek. You can only read so much. I need some darn experience!!! Best, and thanks!!!
Welcome to the PAFF forum. No doubt, you're right, tagging along and watching a skilled FFer is well worth it. I'm not a Donegal regular but there are forum members from your neck of the woods that know it well. Feel free to ask questions - some folks are a bit tight lipped about specific streams but there is a ton of info on fishing techniques and equipment here.
Good luck to you in 2011. Glad to have yuh.
Welcome to the forum. Donegal Creek saved me the other day. I had a goal to catch a trout on a new creek each month of 2010. Realized on 12/31 that I had not fulfilled my December requirement. Having worked at Donegal Mutual for years and having a business meeting in York/Lanc area, I stopped by and managed a small brown. Based upon very limited exposure I would say its not going to be the easiest place to learn, especially this time of year but certainly worth practicing on since it is right in your back yard.
Hi unforgiving

Watching other flyfishermen is a good way to learn. Thats how I learned, at the time there wasn't a lot of vids and books about FF.I went over to the yellow breeches and did a lot of watching! Hope you can hookup with someone from here, and get some advice!
Good luck!

Welcome aboard.i agree with Paul,watching will give you ideas as to what to do.See if there is a Trout Unlimited or a fly shop in your area.Good places to meet othe fly fishermen.GG
Thanks, guys. I never thought about joining the local TU. I'll get on
their website tonight!!!
jdaddy: thanks for the report!! At least I know there are trout
in there now :) :) Just kidding, I have seen them in the stream, but whenever I try to put a fly near them - they start hiding on me!!!
unforgiven wrote:
jdaddy: thanks for the report!! At least I know there are trout
in there now :) :) Just kidding, I have seen them in the stream, but whenever I try to put a fly near them - they start hiding on me!!!

Ya remembering the areas of Donegal Creek that I would cross driving to lunch, there is little stream side cover through the farm fields, it is small and not a lot of broken, fast water, thus stealth is gonna be a biggie there.
Absolutely!!!! I feel like I'm in a movie when I walk the stream and the trout are the audience!!! It doesn't help that I have a huge head.
Just look at my picture below :p