As an example, I was pretty certain that I knew how the wild brook trout enhancement regs, which were applied to select streams outside of SE Pa, would affect wild brook trout population abundance and size structure in the "treatment" streams based on personal observations of angler usage and later by the results of the statewide wild trout stream angler use and harvest study. Had one of those streams been in SE Pa. my thoughts certainly would not have affected the way that I would have conducted the study. In fact, scientifically speaking, finding out that I am wrong is as interesting as learning that I am right, and sometimes even more interesting.
Chaz wrote:
As an example, I was pretty certain that I knew how the wild brook trout enhancement regs, which were applied to select streams outside of SE Pa, would affect wild brook trout population abundance and size structure in the "treatment" streams based on personal observations of angler usage and later by the results of the statewide wild trout stream angler use and harvest study. Had one of those streams been in SE Pa. my thoughts certainly would not have affected the way that I would have conducted the study. In fact, scientifically speaking, finding out that I am wrong is as interesting as learning that I am right, and sometimes even more interesting.
Could you explain what you meant by this please?
krayfish wrote:
Brooks are native.....just not to that stream. Why force a square peg into a round hole? If fish "A" thrives but fish "B" doesn't, why try to establish a wild fishery for fish "B"?