Donegal article

Yup. Private clubs can stop stocking, state can put a class a status on the stretch, use money and resources to continue the restoration work.
Chaz wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
Chaz wrote:
My guess is the number of wild browns has gone up because regular stocking of adult fish was stopped. Chances are the wild browns have been there a long time.

Exactly what I posted above which was Mikes thoughts on the matter as well. However, he did warn me not to get on the STOP STOCKING bandwagon. :p
Not really.
PFBC does not consider RT to be more hardy then browns, they put them in streams with wild trout in them so they don't interfere with wild trout reproduction. That and the fact that the growth rate in hatcheries is faster.

I know a stream that I thought gets mainly RT over wild browns(but I just checked and it does get hatchery browns AND rainbows) and the wild do very well(but probably could be much bigger if hatchery browns weren't put over them) and the rainbows seem to hang on for quite some time. It is a very popular stream and gets a lot of pressure in the early spring. Does anyone have any idea when they determine to not stock hatchery browns over wild browns, besides Class A?

Interestingly, I saw a brood stock brook trout that was about 25 inches in here that was dead as a door nail, a massive fish. This stream does have native brookies in its upper and middle reaches but the browns have taken over the lower. And....I just checked and it says they stock no brookies in here, maybe they just dumped it in, because that would be a pretty penny for a club to dump in a stream that gets hammered.