Does the Gov work for us or the Nattie Gas Guys?!



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA

Pennsylvania officials also have been reaching out to colleagues in New Jersey and Delaware to "answer any technical questions they have," Henderson said. "It's simply a matter of raising their comfort level and getting the three votes that we need" to adopt the DRBC regulations.

Pennsylvania may be getting an ally on the pro-drilling side, as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo reportedly is considering a plan to permit natural gas drilling in five counties along the Pennsylvania border, as long as local communities approve. The plan would be contingent on New York environmental regulators' agreement, a move that is expected this summer, Bloomberg News has reported. It would cover Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Steuben and Tioga counties.

"No final decision has been made, and no decision will be made until the scientific review is complete and we have all the facts," Josh Vlasto, a Cuomo spokesman, said in an emailed statement to Bloomberg.

If limited drilling gets the green light in New York, that could provide the votes needed to pass the regulations. Henderson said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was "very supportive" of the regulations last year. "We believe they were in a position to support the regulations last November," he said.

Steve Rochette, a spokesman in the corps' Philadelphia office said only: "The Army Corps of Engineers, in representing the administration's position on the DRBC, will continue to work with the other commissioners on the technical aspects of the draft regulations."

Delaware Gov. Jack Markell — whose state has no Marcellus Shale but is downriver from the formation — has not changed his opposition, said spokesman Brian Selander.

In November, Markell wrote a letter to the commission, saying that critical issues regarding well construction and operation had not been finalized and could be weakened.

"Once hydrofracturing begins in the basin, the proverbial 'faucet' cannot be turned off, with any damage to our freshwater supplies likely requiring generations of effort to clean up. In this case, it is more important to get it right, than to be fast," Markell wrote.

Representatives of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie did not return a call or email for comment.

Corbett has been a strong backer of natural gas drilling. The state has issued about 10,700 Marcellus Shale drilling permits since 2008 across the western and northern parts of Pennsylvania, according to Department of Environmental Protection records.

The DRBC has declined to discuss why it canceled the vote on the regulations, which its staff workers began developing in 2010.

Commission spokesman Clarke Rupert said members have "some unresolved issues" hey are studying. The commission does not have a new date for a vote on the proposed regulations, he said.

DRBC staffers are trying to put together a meeting to reconcile outstanding issues, Rupert said. "Each of the members is compiling and sharing a list of the outstanding technical issues in anticipation of this face-to-face meeting," he said.

Although the Lehigh Valley is not in the Marcellus Shale formation, drilling could have an impact on the region because the northern reaches of the Delaware River and the headwaters of the Lehigh River, both of which provide drinking water to the valley, are in Marcellus lands. In fracking, drillers inject millions of gallons of water mixed with sands and chemicals into shale deposits deep underground to break up the rock and release trapped gases.

Link to source: MS Article
Irony of it all, to me, is the Republican mantra is to give back the government to the people by allowing the local government to make their own choices. Get the feds and staties out of our business! Yet in this case, when the greenbacks are flashed, local communities have no power to choose if the nattie gas is drilled and compressed and piped through their own back yards.

Second paragraph down, third line: "..., as long as local communities approve. ". Sounds like the local community does have a say.
I wish they would ALL adopt Gov Markell's position of taking it slow , i think we are smart enough to do this but not if we try to go too fast.
afishinado wrote:
Irony of it all, to me, is the Republican mantra is to give back the government to the people by allowing the local government to make their own choices. Get the feds and staties out of our business! Yet in this case, when the greenbacks are flashed, local communities have no power to choose if the nattie gas is drilled and compressed and piped through their own back yards.

I guess that would be irony if that is what the small government wing of the republican party actually was for. But it's not fed/state gov vs. municipal gov, it's fed gov vs. state gov. If this stance seems confusing, read the constitution, it's all laid out in there.
Stevie-B wrote:

Second paragraph down, third line: "..., as long as local communities approve. ". Sounds like the local community does have a say.

that is pertains to NY, not PA. Here, our republican "small" gov has stripped our local authorities of any power regarding MS drilling.
like afish says, it's ok till there is money to be made.

as to the original question, I think you already know the answer. unless you have more money in your pocket than the gas industry, no one is going to listen to you. the Gov doesn't work for the gas industry, the gas industry is becoming our government.
Most of the local political powers own larger amounts of land that have been leased in one way or another and they dont want to screw up there checks.What do you expect for even the locals to say.I can tell you if you dont own atleast 20+ acres you dont even have a say.
Stevie-B wrote:

Second paragraph down, third line: "..., as long as local communities approve. ". Sounds like the local community does have a say.

Judge halts zoning limits in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale drilling law

HARRISBURG, Pa. — A state judge is ordering a temporary halt to portions of Pennsylvania's new Marcellus Shale law that limit the power of municipalities to regulate the booming natural gas exploration industry.

Commonwealth Court Senior Judge Keith Quigley issued a 120-day injunction Wednesday after hearing arguments earlier in the day.

The eight-week-old law's local-zoning provisions were scheduled to take effect Saturday.

A group that includes seven municipalities sought the injunction in the short-term to give them time to argue their lawsuit that the law unconstitutionally takes away local powers that protect them from potential harm.

Senior Deputy Attorney General Howard Hopkirk argued that the state created the municipal planning code, and municipalities have no right or standing to complain about perceived harm to its residents if the state pre-empts parts of it.

Link to source: municipal planning code law

Second paragraph down, third line: "..., as long as local communities approve. ". Sounds like the local community does have a say.

Read more carefully - the local community only has a say if you live in New York state.

The PA state government has actually banned local communities from imposing their own standards in the state of pennsylvania.

*edit* i realize now I'm echoing what bikerfish has already said, as I read down further.
Think about how he was elected, I mean he is the darling of the drillers. Anyone that voted for him should regret it it if they have a problem with what he's done. Maybe we can get a better guy in there next time around.
I wish they would ALL adopt Gov Markell's position of taking it slow , i think we are smart enough to do this but not if we try to go too fast.