Dodson fly



May 29, 2009
Were would you put the all mighty hellgrammite on your tree of bugs and flying critters.I see lots of other bugs on here but never any info on a hellgy.
just the males were out, now the trout are on top. females are out now, thick there, have 4-10 guys in the building there..
melvinp wrote:
Were would you put the all mighty hellgrammite on your tree of bugs and flying critters.I see lots of other bugs on here but never any info on a hellgy.

Right up on top on the tree of bugs in river and streams that have them (many do) for trout, but especially smallies.

Hellgrimite patterns really work well. Fish a black, dark olive or brown bugger where helgies hide and smallies swim....Kaaawok! on!
I love 'em - they're near the top of my list.

Of course, helgrammites are mainly associated with bass fishing and - at least in my experience - are much more numerous in warmer rivers. I fish with helgy nymph flies frequently, esp in the early to mid summer months. As Afishinado said, a dark marabou fly will hammer bass. I personally prefer more accurate patterns. The pic below shows a couple naturals with one of my nymphs.
I don't bother with imitating the adults although I suppose it might make for some good fishing under certain circumstances.


  • Would the Real Helgys Please Stand Up.jpg
    Would the Real Helgys Please Stand Up.jpg
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That fly is my second favorite of yours next to your mouse. It's pretty spot on and I'm sure slays the smallies.

That is a very nice pattern,All you need is that funky smell.
I'd put them in the mean as heck tree.
btw, it Dobson Fly.