Do fly shops still sell U.S. tied flies?

I can't believe the cost of materials now. You walk out of the fly shop with a tiny bag of stuff and it might be $100.00. I still have dubbing I bought in 1980s with Clouser Fly Shop price tags on it. Price for a bag of it was $1.99. And it has lasted me all these years. I have everything to tie the handful of flies and streamers I mainly use. I still will buy flies ,especially locally tied ones when I go away.
I can't believe the cost of materials now. You walk out of the fly shop with a tiny bag of stuff and it might be $100.00. I still have dubbing I bought in 1980s with Clouser Fly Shop price tags on it. Price for a bag of it was $1.99. And it has lasted me all these years. I have everything to tie the handful of flies and streamers I mainly use. I still will buy flies ,especially locally tied ones when I go away.

The other choice is spend $100 and walk out of a shop with 25 or 30 flies.

Sorry, but I know at if I spend $100 on materials (at retail price) I can get a lot of flies tied. Make some economical choices in regards to hooks and you can get triple the number of flies for your money easily. Yes I know that you need to have the time to tie them, but even just knocking out 3 or 4 flies a night will build a good supply quickly.
I just enjoy tying. I am sure I could have several top of the line Sage rods and probably a few more trips out west with what I have spent on tying materials over the years. At the end of the day, my fishing time is limited because of work, family, and to a lesser degree geography, so tying is a way to relax and think about fishing.