Do ducks put down fish?

Nice little wood ducks or mallards, not really. You have resident mergansers, then yeah, if those are the only "ducks" around along with heron, those fish get bird shy.
Hmmmm.......Do ducks put down fish? Not face to face but they have been known to dis them behind their backs.and gossip about them when they 'aint around....hope this helps......GOOD LUCK!!!
This morning at the hatchery on the Little Lehigh, there were a few ducks in a couple of the raceways. So I bought a bag of fish food and lobbed it underhand so it rained down on the ducks. The ducks were eating it. The trout didn't mind the ducks at all. They were even ramming the ducks trying to get the pellets. The fish were aggressive enough that the ducks stayed on the outside edge of the ball of trout. So, at least for stocked fish, ducks don't bother them a bit.
DUH....That's at a hatchery - - they got no place to swim....And of course the trout are very hungry.... If you got fed as often as they do, you'd be ramming for food just as much.
Be it duck, merganzer or boat, they only spook for a minute. While rowing / floating in a pontoon, my buddy has yelle"this look ok?", chucked his rig at me....missed my boat and caught fish from under my pontoon on several occasions. It's now become a game to try and hook fish right next to the other guys boat.

If it's a big brown that reluctantly came out of hiding to feed early and 10 geese land right on him, he very well may be done until after dark but I don't think it really bothers a majority of the trouts.
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+1 LMAO.
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Dave W
Very diplomatic Dave.....he was blinding me with science......good name for a song.........Gary Neumann for thirty Wink.