DIY Spool Hands



Active member
Aug 9, 2010
A new, and for the most part first, blog post from my blog DIYFlyFishing. I'm posting the entire tutorial here because I believe the symbiotic relationship that exists between blogs and forums, like this one, is important. Having a one way relationship will eventually harm both parties involved. Leave comments here, or at my blog. I'd love to hear everyone's feedback on this. Full sized images are available at the blog if further detail is required.

Also a general disclaimer. I have no commercial interest in my blog. I do not sell ad space or collect any revenue from links or anything of that nature. I'm not link farming, only providing information to like minded individuals.


DIY Spool Hands


I'm pretty sure I first saw Spool Hands at All Seasons Sports Shop in Pulaski, NY. Definitely a great idea, the rubberbands that come with Maxima (and all other spools) are generally worthless. Mono unravels in your bag, they're impossible to position to prevent said unraveling, and the rot. This hack is about as easy as it comes. 3 materials, minimal construction, very cheap. Sure beats paying over a dollar per one and you can't even customize the size.


Materials: 1/4 inch elastic band, some plastic beads, heat shrink tubing, and super glue.


First you'll want to start by sizing your band. Just wrap the elastic around your spool. You'll want to make a cut and leave a 1/4" gap between the ends of the elastic to allow for shrinkage as you remove mono from your spool.


This works best if you do it assembly line style. I needed six total. So I measured 5 more bands against the first band.


Next acquire some beads. I got the elastic and the beads from Michaels. I'm sure you could find said materials at any craft store though. You might even be able to find the heat shrink there too.



Pick out some beads. I chose these ones because the length of the bead would give maximum adhesion to the elastic. Also, probably at this step you should check and make the the bead is indeed hollow all the way through. One of these ended up still being semi solid in the middle and I didn't realize until the very end.


Next grab your superglue. I used Zap-a-Gap because I had it on my bench. You can use whatever superglue you have laying around.


Glue one side of the bead then press the elastic against it until it sets, only a few seconds. Repeat for the other side, until how have something that looks like the above. Repeat for the remaining.


Now grab your heat shrink tubing. For this, I was using 3/8'' tubing, but size will vary depending on the size of the bead you used. Rough cut these to size. I got a variety pack of shrink tubing from Harbor Freight a couple of year back when I was doing a lot of wiring. It couldn't have been very expensive, I got it from Harbor Freight.


Grab your heat gun and shrink the tubing. Now if you don't already have a heat gun you can get one from Harbor Freight or Amazon for around $20. They're really useful, as is shrink tubing. If you really don't want to buy a heat gun a hair dryer will not do, but a careful application a lighter will.


Finished Product.





The nice thing about these, opposed to buying them, is that you can make them in a variety of sizes. You can make them for Maxima spools (as shown here), other mono/fluoro spools (such as Amnesia), or for tying wire so it can be bobbin mounted without unraveling.

Note: although this will work for most spools, it will not work for all spools. When the inner diameter of the spool differs greatly from the the outer diameter, the elastic is unable to stretch to reach the outer diameter while being tight enough to be effective at the inner parts of the spool. I ran into this problem with a 25lbs. Amnesia spool.
A VERY cool idea. Many thanks for sharing.
Nicely done. Thanks for the tip(pet).
Love it!!! Well written and good photography, too.
This is one of the best DIY posts I've ever seen on this forum. Great work!

More, please. :)
Brother I love the idea of a DIY fly fishing forum! Takin' the punk rock spirit to the stream!
Excellent idea and execution! I'm gonna make some for my lanyard tippet spools. Thanks.

peace-tony c.
Good stuff! Thanks.
Thanks so much! I just made some of these for my leader spools. Everything worked great except the superglue I used did not want to adhere the bead and elastic. I just did my best and held them in place, then heated the shrink tube to hold everything together. So far, seems like they will hold up fine. If they do not, I will hit them with more superglue. I think the glue will stick better on shrink tubing and bead. Thanks again!
The tippet passes through the bead, correct?
very cool. and i dont know of any other blogs with the diy focus...i'll be following for sure! keep it up!
Looks like that RIT education is paying dividends Sender! :-D

Like the others said, great post. Unraveling tippet is high on my list of streamside frustrations. The factory bands always seem to loosen up or not do their job. Rest assured I'll be making some of these up.

Great post on a great DIY idea. I'd definitely like to see more stuff like this!
Sweet! Thanks for sharing.

I bet a hot glue gun would probably work pretty well... it should reform when you heat up the tubing as well... very cool and i'll take 12 for the rio size tippet spools. Nice work
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I really appreciate all the support. I just finished my prototype for a Petitjean CDC Magic Tool. I see them being sold for $38 and I'm pretty sure I can make an equivalent for under $1.

I'll keep everyone posted and make sure to post updates here!
wsender wrote:
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I really appreciate all the support. I just finished my prototype for a Petitjean CDC Magic Tool. I see them being sold for $38 and I'm pretty sure I can make an equivalent for under $1.

I'll keep everyone posted and make sure to post updates here!

Nice job wsender! I like the shrink tube. I've been making these for years for my tying spools but never thought about it for tippet. These are really helpful for tying. I got tired of having loose wire, mylar and lead wire all over my desk , plus theres no waste.


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