DIY Build Bamboo Rod

Cattanach's book arrived today. It seems ideal for a beginner. Thanks for recommendation!
I have a bellinger planing form and a dial depth indicator that I would probably part with if you are interested let me know.
Grassrod, PM sent.
I hope the Bellinger forms deal works out for you they are a good quality forms. If I ever figure out how to post a picture I’ll post some on my Christmas Rods and updates it may help me get them done in time.
Posting pics would be cool.

I found a dealer for Grade A Tonkin who will sale a 12ft, Grade A culm split in half for $55 per culm plus UPS shipping. There are a couple dealers who sale bundles of 10 culms for $450-$550 plus shipping. I plan to get 2-3 culms at $55 each plus shipping.

I would like to practice some of the techniques using cheaper bamboo. Any suggestions? If I cannot get cheaper bamboo, I guess plan B would be to practice on some of the extra butt sections strips. Correct?

For Grassrod, I think I sent a PM, but my outbox seems to be empty so I am not sure.

My most prized possession (for Rods) is number 0 and 1. 0 is my daughter’s 5’ bait caster (held on to it until 2001 when she was born, didn’t know what color wraps to use boy or girl) and 1 is a 7’9” 4wt for my Dad. I practiced on those rods took me way longer than any other rod I have made not that 80 to 100 hours is nothing ????. Neither has glue lines and straight and with in .001. While I started with strips way thicker than I do now. You get a lot of practice getting the taper ready for heat treatment when a taper gets off apex, Always plain the short side to get the apex back to 60 degrees and nodes can be a pain where the sun doesn’t shine sometimes. My daughter’s rods are all blonde all others are flamed so I don’t worry too much about A,A+ or A++. Water marks flame nice I just worry about power fibers and wormholes, leaf marks and growers marks but most you can split around and you lose a strip or two. I’m a waste not want not and I use most of my leftover strips for short rods one piece 4’4 to 6’ or 4’ to 5’ 2 piece rods. Blonde rods you just need to watch but usually you get one or two out of an order that are perfect. I’m sure you have a plain and a scraper if you are waiting on Bamboo. I have a Stanley 9 1/2 and a lie Nielsen scraper only two I ever needed and wet stone (keep them sharp). I don’t like Bamboo less than 2” but lager than 2 I’m good. Now a good deal on B quality Bamboo I’m good if the price is right because I only built for family and friends you will not get blonde rods but they will make nice flamed rods or you may not get the 10” 9 wt you wanted but 2,3,4,5 wt rods you will get. You will like George Maurer’s book on most pages on the opposite page he has tips if I can remember correctly ( I’m upstairs). I was also told by Wayne don’t build #1 as a practice rod build a rod that you will use 90 percent of the time and don’t cut corners. He was right because my Dad still uses #1 (1994 man that seams like a long time ago, he doesn’t want to use it but be does) and yes #2 is also a 7’9” 4 wt. I don’t get fancy with thread I use red and antique gold only with one exception my 19 year old baby girl still gets pink????. I’m rambling but for my short rods I do not have an issue with cork reel seats. I do like agate stripper guides and but them on my rods or special friends but try to you quality components if you put that much work and love into a rod what is another 30 or 40 dollars over cheap stuff. There are a lot of options and theories and you will love reading about all of the heat treatment no heat treatment, pressed nodes non pressed nodes, node spacing, mixed and non mixed strips it is a beautiful thing. If I can help Iet me know. I remember about 7 years ago I was lining a rod to head to the steam and a guy stopped ask me about my rod. I smoked 3 cigars drank a thermos of coffee 3 beers and started for home. We did cast the three rods I had with me. I will PM you my work email. Days are long and nights are shorter if you need something that I can help just let me know. Joe E
I see on The Classic Rod Forum is a set of Wagner Planing Forms for 750.00 can save a couple dollars. I think they are around 900.00 new
Sorry for the delay but I I responded to your pm.
I got both your pm's. I replied to Grassrod,. JoeE, I will certainly email ya. Thanks!

I tried joining Classic Rod forum, but I think my confirmation email was not delivered...PSU email server filters most junk before it gets to me. I will try again with different email...not for the form, but for the wealth of info those members have.

I am still gathering tools. I want to start building in early November.

If you haven't yet, visit the Classic Flyrod Forum on the web, join and participate. There are a wealth of makers on the forum and a classified section which lists rodmaking tools for sale from those retiring, etc.

Jim Downes is not retiring and is still very active building rods. I corresponded with Jim a couple weeks ago and he put to rest the rumor from Jeff Wagner's site. You will have to call Jim about the classes, but I expect he is still doing them, at least will be post Covid.

The Catskill Rodmaker's Gathering is virtual this year due to the virus, but there is a lot of learning available there. Learn from rodmakers, not the internet! The Catskill Fly Fishing Center hosts and has rodmaking classes each year except this virus year, Imagine working on your rod with GFarrison's tools, or Gillum's!

Many rodmakers like the Morgan Hand Mill too (Tom Morgan Rodsmiths).

If you think fly fishing is a wonderful sport, wait until you get to fish with a real fly rod! They bend you know, and that makes all the difference!

Good luck!
I sent another pm a few days ago, not sure if you got it?
Grassrod, I saw the PM. The format of the PMs is strange; I thought you replied without any message. On second glance, I see your message. I sent a reply.

I did join Classic Flyrod Forum. Great advice to learn from a builder, not the internet. I'll have to contact Jim. I appreciate your comments!
I personally would love to have a Morgan Handmill with all the cutters. I have a hex and a quad forms. But that would help my hand and wrist Maybe one day we can al dream ????
If interested there is a Bellinger plane form for sale on classicflyrodforum classified. today