Disease carried by ticks

As I have gone through the Lyme journey, keep in mind how important it is to see a Lyme literate doctor, if you suspect you have Lyme.

The test approved by the CDC and the one that insurance companies will recognize is only accurate 54% of the time. So its a coin toss. A Lyme literate doctor can look past the test results and evaluate all the symptoms. Other docs may not pick up on it.
Five years ago I go to my doctor because I had flu like symptoms for almost A week. She gave me antibiotics and they did nothing , back to the doctor again, and again, and again. I told her I spend A lot of time in the outdoors and asked about lyme. She told me that if I didn't have the bullseye rash then it wasn't Lyme.I went to local hospital and they also said it was the flu. Needless to say after eight months of being sick nonstop my doctor came to the conclusion it was all in my head I finally switched doctors and the first thing my new doctor checked was for Lyme. Yep , it was positive. After all these years now I still have A lot of headaches , muscle issues and still get tired A lot easier than I ever did before.To many doctors just don't take Lyme seriously. If you think it may Lyme push the issue for the Lyme test or ask to get Doxy , if they don't like like it , find A new doctor.

Luckily for me I don't know why but to my knowledge I have never had a tick on my bare skin
Same with me, hook jaw. When I was a young child living in DE, I would occasionally get them. That was almost 40 yrs ago. Been living in SW PA ever since and have never had one that I am aware of. I just don't understand it. Maybe they don't like the taste of vodka.