Directions to new holes on the Salmon River

Of course! We will take him with us. He will probably catch more fish then both of us.
Here's good info on the swinging areas.
Jdaddy - why is the DSR the less productive area this time of the year? I've fished the SR once this last year for the salmon run and did pretty good in the DSR.

Myself and a few buddies are headed up again the 20th-21st and had planned to hit the DSR but, none of us have ever fished the SR this time of the year.
Because the majority of the chrome have moved up through that section and taken residence in the upper river. Sure there are fish there, but it is not the best section to be paying $50 to fish.
When I was there in Nov the guys paying for the DSR didn't do any better than the upper fly section I was in. If the fish are just moving in sure it's worth it they don't get much fresher but right now fish are spread all the way thru.
Sounds like part of the advantage of the DSR now might be that no one goes there anymore.
Less people yes. However, there is still plenty from what I understand. Lots of guides.
Thanks fellas. So the steelies hang around the lower part of the river during the salmon run than head up river for the winter? Do they make it up as far as the reservoir?
evofly wrote:
Thanks fellas. So the steelies hang around the lower part of the river during the salmon run than head up river for the winter? Do they make it up as far as the reservoir?

The bulk of the steel run comes with or shortly after the salmon, so after the salmon are done there's less fishing coming in and to be found lower river...thats why the DSR in less productive now. They will still run all winter when the flows, temps etc trigger them to come in.

And, it is also likely that a certain amount of the migrating fish find suitable habitat in the DSR and never get the urge to run farther upstream. Just like in Erie, the lower stretches are not exclusively occupied by "fresh" fish.
Interesting stuff! I'm all new to steelhead fishing. What temps and flows trigger them to migrate?
again thanks all for your help. i am going to the SR this sat i will let you know how i do.
I winter they like a little deeper, little slower water. Sure plenty stack up in the lower fly zone, which is just below the hatchery. Plenty of anglers will also flock there. However, some will hang in similar spots in other areas of the river which are less fished. Lower Fly is a good spot to get warmed up and then you can go elsewhere to aoid crowds.

I'll mention one name - Trestle Pool. However, just like with wild trout streams the people who search out the hidden gems aren't going to talk much. However, all those spots are on the map.

Here are some strategies. 1. Go to Lower Fly Zone and deal with the crowds. However, pay close attention to the type of water the regulars are fishing (note depth and current speed) and where most of the fish seem to be hooked. Also, ask what has been working. I've been having better luck with normal sort off stonefly nymphs this winter. One buddy has been doing well with Prince nymphs. Then, head downstream and look for similar spots where nobody is fishing and give it a shot.
2. Look for paths in the snow and follow to a hole. Locals can't hide where they go with snow on the ground.

When the fish are moving and the water is warmer pockets in the riffles are where you want to be. In winter they will tend more towards deeper and slower wintering pools - most, but not all, are above the Pineville Bridge.
I fished the SR on Sun 12th & Mon 13th, mid river 2A - Pineville area, fish where moving through in AM each day, as bite was better in AM, and dropped off at mid-day and picked back up near end of day.They continue to come in from lake from now until spring. We had guy who fished DSR on Sun at lodge we stayed at and he had good day, landing 4/steelhead. Vast majority are in upper half of river, but you will continue to have fish enter river all season long. Don't think that mid or low river is not holding fish, it still worth fishing lower half of river at this time of year.