Differences in types of flies question



May 30, 2014
I just started to tie files. I have been tying 3 types of flies,

BWO, Light Cahill and an Adams.

In my opinion, the techniques are the same for each and the differences are only in the color.

I have also tied emergers and spinners for each.

It appears the the difference between a regular fit, an emerged and a spinner is the wing placement and the hackle.

The spinner has wings straight out to emulate a fly that just died and an emerger has a long tail to represent the shuck and also has the wings tied back.

If I am wrong on any of these points, please correct me. Any help is appreciated.

I caught a couple of trout on the regular fly and the spinner but not on the emerger so I feel I am tying them somewhat correctly or I am catching the really dumb trout.
AlphaDelta wrote:
The spinner has wings straight out to emulate a fly that just died and an emerger has a long tail to represent the shuck and also has the wings tied back.

Correct. You're on the right track.
sounds about right to me
I think you eluded to similarities in flies by style. While you are tying separate patterns, they all are based off the same tying style, ie Catskills dry flies.

There are various styles of dry flies, with the most common probably being Catskills, parachute and comparaduns.

Switch the size and color and you no represent a different species of mayfly.

Certain styles of dry flies fish better in different styles of water (pools, riffles) based off hackle placement and style.
The word "emerger" is applied to a wide range range of designs. Any where from a nymph with a slightly different wing case to a fully floating dry fly with more surface contact that a catskill design can and has been called an emerger.

The design you describe fits some where near the middle of this range, and represents an insect that has reached the surface, broken through the surface tension, and is trying to free its self from its nymph shuck.
Thanks to everyone who responded. It is very helpful