Difference in Licenses?



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
So I have a young one I plan on taking for the youth mentor program. However I cant seem to understand what the difference is between the Youth Mentor Permit ( Free ). And the Voluntary Youth License which is like $2?
The $2 is basically a donation that is matched by a federal program? State gets $4 or something like that.
Thats kind of what i figured when i was reading it, just wanted to make sure....basically free for the kid....or a small donation to the state.
Yeah, but the kids actually get a license with the donation. Some kids find that to be pretty cool that they get their own fishing license. My kids will when I take them to get theirs next week.
Right, but the license isnt needed to fish...seeing theyre under 16 correct? Ive already did the purchase for the Youth Voluntary license. But i just want to make sure im understanding it correctly. Its more of a youve done a good deed type of situation.
From the PFBC website..."Youth anglers must obtain a free PFBC-issued permit or a voluntary youth fishing license (only $2.70 including all fees) and be accompanied by a licensed adult. Both licenses and permits are available at www.GoneFishingPA.com or at any of the more than 900 licensing agents across the state."
Stopped by 2 licensing agents today..neither heard about or had any "FREE" PFBC issued permits...Hmmm?
PFBC gets $5 per voluntary youth fishing license ($2.70)..Hmmm?
This was getting confusing, but now I think I figured it out.

The general rule hasn't changed. 15 and under do not require a license to fish and are not required to be accompanied by an adult, Season and creel limits apply.

This new thing is just for a special youth mentor day, the Saturday before opening day of regular trout season. It allows youth accompanied by an adult to fish for trout in AT waters on that day on waters normally closed all fishing.

For fishing other species in non AT waters, no youth license or permit is required for that day or any other day, nor is that youth required to be accompanied by an adult. That's good.

I used to fish a lot by myself, or with other youths before I turned 16. Being that I was over 6 foot tall at age 15, I had to carry a birth certificate while fishing just in case I got checked.;-)

So, you have Joe the freezer filler Schmoe wanting to get a jump on his freezer filling buddies so he recruits a kid for this day (or 2).

It's the only negative I could come up with and even that is a stretch. So I view it as very positive overall if it gets more kids into fishing. Freezer filling or not.

I'm assuming that same rule would apply for a youth non-res if I wanted to introduce a friends kid to trout fishing?
Our Legislators at work ,they no what is best for us and impose it against our wills. Think back, who tought you to fish?? Usualy a family member or a buddy with a pole and string. Did you need a liscence or permit??. They do this so they can gather data and tell everyone the young are starting to fish again and that adds suppoort to their hairbrained DHALO debacle that, will be shoved down our colective throats. We are the citizens of Pa. its OUR WATER.
Wow..... a lot of anger and resentment over a whopping TWO DOLLARS to help support fishing in PA. :-?

No wonder the entitlement mentality is so prevalent in this country.

If anybody on this board has a kid that wants a license, but parents don't want to pay for it, drop me a PM. I'm willing to sponsor the first 20 kids. (And that's from a guy who doesn't even have kids!)
BA, true that they are doing this at least in part to gather more data, and they are not hiding that fact.


But apparently you missed the part where the general rules HAVE NOT changed. I initially thought they had, but was relieved to find out that they hadn't, thus the old traditions are still alive.

All this does is open up a fishing opportunity for one EXTRA day on waters formerly closed to fishing at that time. The price is probably less than the cost of bait or gas.

ColdBore, you beat me to it. If you get more than 20 requests, I'll take the next 10. I'm a tight wad.
Its not about the money, lord knows I'd be the first one to say ya ill pay 50 bucks for a tag if it will improve fishing for all of us. I think you guys are missing the point, the question is when will it stop??? When will they keep ignoring us and go on with their grand plan, it dind't use to be this way. If anyone suffers from entitlement fever it is them. Teaching a child how to fish for the first time is a gift that shouldn't be regualated by anyone but the childs parents. Wake up.
brookieaddict wrote:Teaching a child how to fish for the first time is a gift that shouldn't be regualated by anyone but the childs parents. Wake up.

Do it in a farm pond. You can use mine or any of my neighbors.

Teaching someone to fish is much easier when their first few outings consist of catching 50 bluegill and a few bass, with just you & them there. Interest and enjoyment stay sky high when they are catching a fish every few casts.

After they are "hooked" on the sport ;-) , then introduce them to trout fishing, where they might not have as much success, but at least know the game, and have expectations set accordingly.
You are over-reacting, mis-guided. This brings in money for habitat work, something kids should learn along with learning to fish. Kids fish use resources as much as adults. the $2.00 VOLUNTARY license helps to pay for that.
Kids do not even have to pay for that first mentored youth day. It is just a voluntary license. If the parents don't want to spend the $2 they don't have to And the kids can still fish.
brookieaddict wrote:
Its not about the money, lord knows I'd be the first one to say ya ill pay 50 bucks for a tag if it will improve fishing for all of us. I think you guys are missing the point, the question is when will it stop??? When will they keep ignoring us and go on with their grand plan, it dind't use to be this way. If anyone suffers from entitlement fever it is them. Teaching a child how to fish for the first time is a gift that shouldn't be regualated by anyone but the childs parents. Wake up.

But it didn't change any of that. All it did was add one more day on AT waters which are normally closed.

I didn't figure it had to do with money, at least for you.
brookieaddict wrote:
Its not about the money, lord knows I'd be the first one to say ya ill pay 50 bucks for a tag if it will improve fishing for all of us. I think you guys are missing the point, the question is when will it stop??? When will they keep ignoring us and go on with their grand plan, it dind't use to be this way. If anyone suffers from entitlement fever it is them. Teaching a child how to fish for the first time is a gift that shouldn't be regualated by anyone but the childs parents. Wake up.

Absolutely perfect A+ response. They don't need money from the kids pocket or the kids parents pockets. Let the kids fish for nothing the way it always has been. They don't need to know his or her names or address or nothing. We start paying for enough crap as life goes on. Let the kids be kids as long as they can. Offering to pay for kids fishing licenses is insanity. Why even think about playing into their hands and giving them anymore than they already get. Have you seen the pay scale of the hierarchy of the PBFC? Just let the kids fish till its time to pay and if you want your youngster to feel good about have'n a license flap'n in a holder come the first day. Print out a dad's fishing license for the kid and spend the day with him fishing. Just so much governmental brainwashing going on. Its all part of a bigger plan as stated above in the quote. I'm sure if they thought they could get away with it all children when born would be issued hunting and fishing license at the parents cost that can be opted out of at a point down the road if you don't want to use it. Never fear. Big brother will take care of us all. Womb to Tomb....
Thank you FiveWeight, i couldn't have said it any better.
FiveWeight wrote:
Just so much governmental brainwashing going on. Its all part of a bigger plan as stated above in the quote. I'm sure if they thought they could get away with it all children when born would be issued hunting and fishing license at the parents cost that can be opted out of at a point down the road if you don't want to use it. Never fear. Big brother will take care of us all. Womb to Tomb....

Naaa, if the Government had their way, all children would be micro-chipped at birth.

I do see you guys' point now. I'd often agree with things like this, but I still just don't see it as big deal in this case. If you chose not to participate, you can still fish everywhere else, same as before.

True the main reason is used to gather information, but this is the State Fish Commission, not the FBI ATF or Department of Homeland Security. It is just the fish commission seeking to be used for fishing statistics.

If there was a more sinister purpose, you don't think the same info is not already available to the Government elsewhere? Census information? School records? Birth Certificates? etc?

If they ask for a SSN, fingerprint, want a blood sample, or they get out the microchip gun ... run... run very fast! If they just want address and the like... What can they do with it? It's already out there.

You are right about offering to pay the extra money though so I withdraw my offer. Afterall, the permit is apparently free. I was under the impression the $2.70 was for the permit and the voluntary license was more. My mistake.
They could have informed liscened parents as they renewed their tags , just like free fishing days. No registration needed.