Did I foul hook these fish??????



Active member
Apr 1, 2016



Wondering if you thought these fish were foul hooked or just weird hook set points because of the fish striking it weird? First one was caught by a y2k egg swung downstream without an indacator
And the two others are a black bigger striped in
They all look to have been "fair" hooked to me- I wouldn't regard any of these as foul hooked.
Thanks! I caught the same bow today on the same fly and this time he was hooked perfectly
Bow in pic 1 looks like it has your egg pattern solidly imbedded in or very close to its eye. That's foul hooked.
Hard to tell from pics. #2 looks like the only one that's undeniably fair hooked. For the other two, I just can't tell one way or the other.

Simple test. Hook pierces flesh. Does it first do so inside the mouth, or outside? If inside, it's fair hooked. If outside, it's foul hooked. It's that simple.

Note that it isn't uncommon to foul hook a fish even when the fish intended to eat the fly. That's still a foul hook. It happens to everyone on occasion. It doesn't make you evil.

Most of us would frown on INTENTIONALLY trying to foul hook fish.
Its not all that easy to foul hook a fish on propose except maybe salmon that swim with there mouth half open.Or maybe stick one in the back.
hard to tell but if its hooked through the outside of the mouth your lining them. If you can line trout, you'd be a hell of a great lakes steelhead angler.
^ sometimes I hook them in the outside of there mouth especially streamers. Some times they eat the head of the streamer first or the side and when I set the hook it goes in from the outside in.
I had a fish the other weekend swipe and miss a bugger 3 times in a row, then finally I hooked it on the 4th cast...in the belly. WTF. I like to say some fish are predatorialy challenged
^ that's what that one bow did! He definitely wanted to eat it because he darted 5 feet to eat it but totally missed the target