Dessicant powdered floatant

"Fussiness" has its benefits in my world...

My way I can refill my FF bottles anywhere, anyplace with ease without worrying about wind, sneezes, carrying around sheets of paper and my bulk supply of Hydrophobic Fumed Silica everywhere I go in the event I neglected to refill my FF bottles before leaving the house...

But whatever works for for you...

Bamboozle, thank you so much for the detailed process. That really does sound extremely easy and effective. And you even added a link for the bottle. That's awesome.

Thanks again.
I agree it may be a bit of a process but with 4 8oz bottles you take the quart down into easy to use refillers that can go anywhere. Buy a couple of quarts and make a winter project out of it and you're probably good for a few years. I like it.
Foxgap239 wrote:
Bamboozle, thank you so much for the detailed process. That really does sound extremely easy and effective. And you even added a link for the bottle. That's awesome.

Thanks again.
My pleasure!

Trust me, the method works like a charm with no mess and if you carry around a couple of the "refill" bottles like I do, you NEVER have to worry about not having any Frog Fanny when you arrive at the creek.

You also can help out a fishing buddy with a refill who isn't as prepared and as clever as you. ;-)

Just remember to check your Frog Fanny bottle before leaving the car and refill if necessary.
Thanks again to Bamboozle. My 2 quarts have now been transferred to my new 8 oz flip tops. Then did a test refill on the FF bottle and while it does take a bit of finesse to not have a powder explosion in your FF bottle, it works well. Did it in the garage using a dust mask and it took me about 45 minutes. I definitely would not recommend doing it the house unless you enjoy having your wife go off on you!

Next question more on point to the original poster, where do you all buy your supply? I used to buy on Ebay from a guy but he is no longer on Ebay and doesn't respond to emails to the address listed on the quart container. I looked on Amazon and I see it listed there under "Hydrophobic Fumed Silica" in both quart and gallons but mentions it being used as a thickener. Is that the same stuff?

Foxgap239 wrote:
Next question more on point to the original poster, where do you all buy your supply? I used to buy on Ebay from a guy but he is no longer on Ebay and doesn't respond to emails to the address listed on the quart container. I looked on Amazon and I see it listed there under "Hydrophobic Fumed Silica" in both quart and gallons but mentions it being used as a thickener. Is that the same stuff?

I’m not the OP but for eons I bought my supply from a company called Epoxy Products or Progressive Epoxy Polymers, take your pick. Back in the good old days (before the fly fishers figured it out), $4.00 got you a quart!! ;-)

The bottom line is you want HydroPHOBIC Fumed Silica, NOT HydroPHILLIC Fumed Silica.

HydroPHOBIC Fumed Silica REPELS water, which is what you want.

HydroPHILLIC Fumed Silica ATTRACTS water, which is what you DON’T want.

I mention that because both kinds are out there marketed as “Fumed Silica” or “Cabosil.”

Bottom line, wherever you find HydroPHOBIC Fumed Silica at the best price is your source and yes, it is used as a "thickener" in epoxy.

Glad the refill method worked for you!!

Yes, you do have to take it easy when squeezing the refill bottles but once you get the hang of it, it’s a breeze. If you got the soft bottles, you understand why I recommend them over the stiffer plastic versions. It is much harder to control the flow on the stiffer plastic bottles.
I too am a fan of putting fumed silica into bottles that can be used to refill my frogs fanny bottles. Bamboozle laid out almost my exact same method. I’ve found different types of storage bottles will work as well. Clean and dried condiment bottles (ketchup, mustard, etc) will also do the trick if you don’t want to buy specific storage bottles online.
Frogs Fanny sales people must hate us! LOL
I take my empty bottle and sink it in the quart container of silica and then I use the little brush and keep pushing the material into the bottle until full. Put brush/lid back on and wipe bottle off and done. No turkey baster or other gizmos needed.
anyone have a link for some bulk stuff? I was testing out different brands and I really like shimizaki but I'd like to get some decent stuff in bulk that isnt too too expensive
For anyone who is interested. I have this Fumed Silica on my wish list with Amazon. The gallon container is like $26 bucks which isn't bad at all. But I looked today and it is on sale for $9.97 with free shipping for prime members. If you need a lifetime supply or have friends to split it with, $10 is ridiculous given that a small bottle of FF is almost $6 now.
Thanks fox. I'll grab a gallon and split it up between the guys.
Foxgap239 wrote:
For anyone who is interested. I have this Fumed Silica on my wish list with Amazon. The gallon container is like $26 bucks which isn't bad at all. But I looked today and it is on sale for $9.97 with free shipping for prime members. If you need a lifetime supply or have friends to split it with, $10 is ridiculous given that a small bottle of FF is almost $6 now.

where is the link for this?
Just go to and search for fumed silica.
I've switched to :

It works like a charm and my understanding is that they are out of Latrobe.