Dental Floss


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
Just curious. Has anyone tied a fly using flat dental floss? Mu guess is that it won't be easy to take color using a marker and that it might be too slick and subject to unwinding?
I've got some now that's wide and flat. I've been think about seeing what kind of body I can make with it. I just checked it. It's 2mm wide, doesn't appear to be waxed, since it did take a permanent marker. It's also spearmint flavored.
I don't think I would use any flavored floss. I've used peppermint extract to rid my home of everything from ants to mice at one time or another. Not sure if trout are fans but it doesn't seem fishy.
Probably 6-8 years ago, I brought up using it for the white stripe on the back of ISO nymph. Did it, it works and if you get jerky caught in your teeth, unwrap one and get to flossing 😉
Actually rinsing with single malt scotch is my solution to the jerky in the teeth issue.
I prefer fly tying floss or heavy non-bonded thread like 3/0 Gudebrod which comes/came in a zillion colors.

Ironically when Gudebrod lost their largest contract which was for dental floss, it sadly put them out of business... most, if not all of the dental floss out there comes from China.