Delta Caddis Style


Sep 12, 2006
I kinda know what delta caddis style wings look like, but I was wondering if anybody has any good resources for tying this. I am going to use this for a crane fly pattern.

I skimmed the article tom posted and didn't notice this, so I think I'll suggest it: to make the fly wings more durable, when you tie in your first layer of thread, leave a long tag end and wind it under to the tail area and leave an inch or so hanging. When you put the delta wing down, you can then pull the extra length of thread up over the top of the wing to the head and then secure it under the head wrappings.
I checked out the photo and article. The delta wing caddis that I know and use once in a while is tied more in a v shape (like the greek symbol delta). It's supposed to represent a spent caddis I believe. The fly pictured is a flat wing caddis adapted by Steve S. from FFP. With the fly pictured, Steve wrote he covered 24 rising trout on Spring and caught 23, the 24th hit and he missed! If Steve said it I believe it.

I've fished both styles and each work in the right time and place and are worth having in your fly box. Lately the hot caddis adult fly for me has been the CDC & Elk. I caught a few on it on Spring Creek this week in tough conditions (low and clear).
afishinado wrote:
I checked out the photo and article. The delta wing caddis that I know and use once in a while is tied more in a v shape (like the greek symbol delta). It's supposed to represent a spent caddis I believe.

You mean this?


"Delta-wing" is used to describe an aircraft design as well, typically a fighter jet:

The Crane Fly I have the most success with is # 18 hook, sulphur colored dubbing, dun hackle tips and brown or ginger hacle.
This is how you tie it.
#8 orange thread, dub the body and wrap very thin to about 1/3 the hook length from the eye. Tie the dun hackle tips in at the thorax downwing style, now wrap the hackle and tie off the head. Simple fly, but very deadly, and I've used all over the country and had incredible success with it. Don't worry if the wings don't stay on, after 50 or so fish you won't have much left of your fly, but you will still catch fish. I've used for over 15 years and tried variations but none have worked as well.