Delayed Harvest



Jan 28, 2007
Sorry ladies and gentlemen but I have not browsed the board in awhile. Seems that when I do I get consumed and even though I am retired I have other things on my plate.

Whatever happened to Delayed Harvest? I don't see it on the PA site. I hope we are not letting the fish die in June. Just trying to get back in the swing of the board discussion. I have always found this forum to be a plethora of information and so many people who are willing to share their insights.

Thanks in advance.
I'm not aware of any changes with regard to DHALO streams. Is it missing from the regs book?
You may or not remember, but it WAS easy to find stuff on the PFBC webpage about 10+ years back.

Then someone convinced them to IMPROVED it...

It has pretty much sucked ever since.
Bamboozle wrote:
You may or not remember, but it WAS easy to find stuff on the PFBC webpage about 10+ years back.

Then someone convinced them to IMPROVED it...

It has pretty much sucked ever since.

I agree.
In trying to bring it into line with other state websites and - I think this may have been a bigger motivator - align it better with social media... they produced a worse product. I used to be a regular reader of the PFBC website but rarely go there anymore as I dislike scrolling down through tweets.
I have found that all thru my 50+ year working career there has been one quote that I have found to fit any and all reasons for changing organizations, progresses, training or websites. This was over my desk for most of my career.

We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams we would be reorganized. Presumably, the plans for our employment were being changed.

I was to learn later in life that, perhaps because we are so good at organizing, we tend as a nation to meet any new situation by reorganizing; and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.

Charlton Ogburn, “Merrill’s Marauders, the truth about an incredible adventure,” Harpers Magazine, January 1957