Delaware Valley Fly Fishing Club gets started by Gaeronf

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Yea, the blood for the uninitiated can be a pain but it is vaulable.
(took me alittle while to get proficent at it)

A thing that helped was a block of wood with two nails that are removable- this will really help in tying a good knot and makes it easier to do so.

The blood knot is very helpful for creating droppers too.

I can tie nail knots but not very well and I need the tool (I use the one that looks like a pen) but it is something I only do a couple times a year though. Luckily, I can do tie it in the comfortable enviroment of home.

Felt like child when David tied one for me one day- I probably could have done it but I know he could tie it faster and time was a wastin'.

Triple surgeons too when I am in a hurry.

Been using the improved clinch for line to fly.
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It always seems I have no problem tying the blood knot at home when I practice on a spool of mono, over and over and over. But when i'm out on the stream in January or February trying to tie it for the first time in the season and my fingers are numb and slow its not a knot I like to tie at all!
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Is there an advantage to using blood knots over surgeons knots? I normally tie the latter.

Animated knots by grog is a great site to learn.
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A surgeons knot is often used to tie lines of difference size. A blood knot does this too, but not as great of a difference. The blood knot provides a smaller knot when tied by someone other than me.
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As with most knots practice is the best teacher. Like the fellow who wanted a job as a mate on a fishing boat. The captain showed him a haywire twist. He then handed the wannabe a coil of wire and said"when you can make one like this your hired".
I still believe that the Uni knot system is superior to a bunch of knots that all require different wrapping techniques to get the same results that the Uni provides.The key is ,can you tie it in the dark?
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I greatly prefer the Surgeon's knot when tying on the stream; I can do it about 20X faster.

I do prefer the blood knot when time is not a factor or when I want to tie a dropper off the tag end because it holds the dropper fly more perpendicular to the main line.

I generally use a double Surgeon's knot and I have never failed one on a fish. Typically the joint is 4X tippet to 5X or 5X to 6X ; rarely 4X directly to 6X.

Has anyone noted an appreciable advantage of a triple Surgeon's beyond the double Surgeon's? I was thinking that triple was probably a good idea as the diameter difference increases between the two lines being joined.
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The blood knot was never really a problem for me when I smoked. Just insert cigarette between the lined and spin. When smokes hit 60 cents a pack, I had to learn the hard way. I've tried a lot of tools, but find the Dennison tool works great for me.
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Keys to a blood Knot:

twist 4 times

stick one end through

twist 4 more times

put tension on the tag end already in the middle and stick the other tag end through the opposite way.

End of DBK!

(I use my teeth to hold the tag end in the middle of the knot... or if you hang around the river fishing for WW fish enough you can grow a 3rd arm to do this)
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I always enjoy hearing about those in our fly fishing community that contribute and help others. Gaeron (Gaeronf) Friedrichs is one of the younger members of the site and has been doing just that this year. Recently Gaeronf has started the Delaware Valley Fly Fishing Club (DVFC) at Delaware Valley High School under the supervision of Mr. Schaffer.

As the founder and president, Gaeronf has organized the DVFC Thursday meetings and helped planned upcoming activities. The club has about 7 high school students looking forward to learning about and helping each other get started with fly fishing. At the first meeting in December they watched a video about the overview of the fly fishing sport. Subsequent meetings have been focussed on knot tying and learning how to tie flies. In future meetings the are looking forward towards learning about stream entomology and working on tying more flies.

Heritage Angler and others from Paflyfish have teamed up with DVFC on Saturday, January 12th to help provide hands-on lessons for the club members. More details about helping out this weekend can be found here in the forum. A special thanks to Heritage Angler and those volunteering their time this weekend.

The club is looking for donations and would graciously accept: rods, reels, fly lines, backing, tippet, leaders, forceps, nippers, fly boxes, vests, packs, split shot, floatant, strike indicators, flies, waders, etc. Please PM Gaeronf if you can help the club out.

Congratulations and good luck to Gaeronf in getting this club going. You can also catch Gaeronf at the upcoming Somerset Fly Fishing Show were he will be Ben Turpin's booth and catch his blog here.

Well done to all of you who work with these boys and girls. We need to make sure the next generation will work hard to preserve the resource.
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Well done to all of you who work with these boys and girls. We need to make sure the next generation will work hard to preserve the resource.
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Well done to all of you who work with these boys and girls. We need to make sure the next generation will work hard to preserve the resource.
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I see from the Animated Knots by Grog, that I had been taught much more complex ways :) I had a variety of teachers, and they were given all easy, and with my sausages-fingers, it was always much more difficult. Now, really think that later retrained. I'm used to do it hard.

craigslist search
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