Delaware River Keepers Calling for 'Urgent Help' to Stop Pipeline



Sep 9, 2006

Action info:

Our article on the issue at hand:
too F-n bad, if it's ok to do it in my backyard, it's ok to do it in yours!
didn't mean to sound so harsh, I apologize, but after years of fighting and worrying about my favorite streams and the effects of gas drilling and pipelines, not to mention the water I have to drink, I've grown very tired of it all. Were these people worrying about MY favorite waterways and MY drinking water supply? Where was the call for "urgent help" for the rest of the damn state?
bikerfish wrote:
didn't mean to sound so harsh, I apologize, but after years of fighting and worrying about my favorite streams and the effects of gas drilling and pipelines, not to mention the water I have to drink, I've grown very tired of it all. Were these people worrying about MY favorite waterways and MY drinking water supply? Where was the call for "urgent help" for the rest of the damn state?

I get it, bikerfish.

But at the same time, yes, I think some of those people were worried about your waterways (I'm making an assumption, of course, despite what I know about what that does to you and me). Many advocacy groups across the state are working tirelessly at trying to insure that the natural gas industry is held to standards that put the needs and rights of the communities it affects above all. Numerous documentaries have been made to shed some light on the issue, etc.

Personally, I've been doing my best to send emails, letters, write articles, etc to draw attention to fracking issues and water quality issues. I've not had the time to dedicate to it that I'd like, but I'm trying to do *something*.

Sure, it's discouraging. I mean you've got a multi-billion dollar industry on the other end of the seesaw. Not exactly a fair fight.

Even if your particular neck of the woods went unnoticed and you're seeing the negative results of such, isn't that all the more reason to advocate for those in other areas which can potentially be spared some of the same consequences?
I agree. I belong to various groups and organizations that watch the industry, and I applaud you for doing the same, but this smacks of the "not in my backyard" type of thing, it was all good and safe when it happens in someone elses yard.
Yeah, the whole NIMBY thing is a big problem. Part an overall loss of a sense of community in this day and age. People just don't feel connected to their neighbors anymore, whether near or far.

People are much to focused on their own immediate needs and wants and imagine themselves isolated from things that affect others, despite how foolish that belief is.

That belief, in my opinion, is a big part of why corporations run roughshod over the public.
They should be spending resources developing ways to make use of Nat. gas locally instead of fighting a pipeline that IS going to be build.
Chaz wrote:
They should be spending resources developing ways to make use of Nat. gas locally instead of fighting a pipeline that IS going to be build.
