Delaware Estuary Striped Bass - new PFBC report



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Just released is a new report on the Delaware Estuary striped bass studies. Included is state-by-state tag return information from 3200 stripers tagged (600 tags returned) in the Delaware and Schuylkill between 1995-2009, inclusive. The fishing in the tidal river (Delaware Estuary) primarily occurs in late March, April, and May. Peak time is about the second week in April until the second to third week in May.
Neat report.
Those are some mighty nice lookin cows. It's amazing to see how far and how rapidly the mid-Atlantic striped bass population moves/migrates. And while the numbers of fish may have been slightly lower than recent years, it's undoubtedly much higher than the 1980s. Great success story.
A few years back I was at Anglers Pro Shop in Souderton and the owner was tying large Rainbow streamers. We were in the middle of a drought and the Stripers were as far north in the Delaware as the junction of the East and West branches feeding on the trout.