deciding on a 9' 6wt



Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
I have been hunting for a good deal on a versatile, larger trout/bass rod (9' 6wt) for a couple weeks now and my budget has me narrowed down to 2 models...a Sage FLi or a Winston Vapor.

Does anyone have any experience with one or both of these rods? I was ready to pull the trigger but I thought I'd ask here first.

Since both are about 300.00+ each, have you considered the St Croix legend ultra?
I have the 9 ft 6 wt and think its the best buy for the money. I don't regret buying it.
With that said, I took advantage of the discounted z-axis and will be using the st croix as my travel rod and a loaner.
The Z-axis is better- smoother and lighter- than the st croix. I wanted the z two years ago, but settled for a discounted Legend ultra. It's a great rod (although I had problems with the tip-top grooving), but not as good as the Z.
If you are hell bent on the rods you mentioned, the Fli is pretty sweet. My buddy Josh has 2 of them and Sage really doesn't make a bad rod. As nymphingmaniac said, the Legend Ultra is pretty nice. I currently have 2 of them and the mentioned z-axis. The 'z' may be a sweeter rod but we also have to factor in price. I think you'll be hard pressed to find a better bang for the buck than a Legend Ultra or Legend Elite. Don't rule out the St Croix Avid. It's a nice medium action rod at a decent price.

I'd ask how the action of the Vapor compares to the Fli or the Legend Ultra. What type of rod do you favor... med, med/fast, fast or uber fast? Jdaddy may be the Winston guru and I believe the handle on his tap is a Vapor (if that tells you anything). The Fli and Ultra are in the med/fast to fast range.

Vapor on Ebay $289

Legend Ultra on Ebay $255

Couldn't find a Fli on sale but you should be able to get a new one for $225 or a lightly used one for $125-160

Good luck, try them before buying if you can and let us know whay you end up getting.

Thanks for the quick replies. I hadn't ruled out St. Croix. The reason I narrowed it down to these 2 is because I found them both available at really good prices. I had a Sage VT2 9'6" 6wt in my sights. I waited a day too long and it sold. I like a little slower action for my dedicated trout rods as I seldom fish water so big that I need a lot of line a result the slower rods load a little easier. For a 6wt I think I would benefit from a faster action stick...bigger water, bigger flies, etc. I came to the conclusion that I "needed" a 6wt after taking my 7wt to lake Erie for big smallies, largemouth, pike, etc...but in reality I ended up fishing a tiny popper for bluegill. I'm just looking for some versatility I guess.
good luck with the auction. If you can pick it up for 220.00 or less, its a no-brainer.
I like that they took a pic of the end cap with the serial number. You know you could probably call SAGE with that info and check it out ahead of time.
Being a Sage fan I would pick the Fli. Faster rod at a decent price. I have one in 7' 3wt.
Email the seller and ask for the serial #. I've done that with any of the Sage rods I've picked up off of ebay. You can then call Sage warranty / repair dept to see if it's ever been fixed under warranty. I think you'll get that Fli for less than $200. Good luck with it.
i have to ask are u turkey from hunting pa
i have to ask are u turkey from hunting pa?

accountant moved over to fisheriel lol
HuntingPA is awesome. The largest gathering a trailer trash on the internet I know of. Gotta stop shooting all them does. Stupid Gary Alt. The stocking truck is late I paid good money for my fish. The list goes on. Oh yeah my brothers nephews wifes sister saw a mountain lion bigfeet. Pure awesomeness!
stevehalupka wrote:
i have to ask are u turkey from hunting pa?

accountant moved over to fisheriel lol

Nope. I didn't know there was huntingPA. I don't hunt much. Just Turkey and Pheasant so far...and that's partly because I want feathers. I used to check fisherie every so often but there's too many "you shoulda been here yesterday, we got 600 fresh steelies so chromed out you needed sun glasses." reports.
ok, I was hoping that was your answer...

fisherie is just as bad anymore... I haven't seen a thread posted there worth reading ince, well, all the die-hard's got banned.
come'on that site is great
where else can you learn the difference between 6lb and 8lb mono?

wanna go carp slaying with that 6wt?
i'll bring my boombox... and the tape i made that is a continuous loop of the opening riff from Psychopathy Red
Other then 2lbs what is the difference between 6 and 8 lb mono?
sometimes the answers are just that easy... or some people are just that dumb
Ramcatt wrote:
come'on that site is great
where else can you learn the difference between 6lb and 8lb mono?

wanna go carp slaying with that 6wt?
i'll bring my boombox... and the tape i made that is a continuous loop of the opening riff from Psychopathy Red
What's up Ramcatt. You know, I still haven't heard much of the "new" Slayer stuff. Ive liked what Ive heard though. I was on a big grindcore kick for awhile and I missed some stuff.

I'll go Carp hunting. So far this year, if I have my rod with me, I wont see any. If I leave it at home, they'll be tailing 15' in front of me. You get any more massive Pike on those foot long flies?

turkey wrote:
What's up Ramcatt. You know, I still haven't heard much of the "new" Slayer stuff. Ive liked what Ive heard though. I was on a big grindcore kick for awhile and I missed some stuff.

Considering I never sent you the Burroughs disc in return (been a bit busy being unhealthy), this can be added. You let me know.
Hell yeah gfen. That would be really cool. No rush.