Davy McPhail


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
Boy I love this guy’s videos, but I need to turn on the subtitles when he speaks. His are my favorite ties. My second is Savage flies tied with Oholi’s Flies. Anything that I tie are rough forgeries.
He’s Scottish, right?
Both are excellent (McPhail and Oholi) Their presentation and approach are very precise and relaxed. My favorites also.

I'll also add Charlie Craven, though his delivery and approach is completely different, more methodical.
savage flies is too wound up and kelly galloup is too long winded

oholi can be boring at times

i can get through davies accent. no big deal.

As far as I can tell, Smith doesn’t tie with cdc. He is a Yorkshireman who ties English North Country flies using mostly traditional materials.
Oholi's is new to me. Thanks, all, for pointing it out.

When I was first getting my bearings, Savage Flies - and of course Flagler - were very useful for understanding just about every common pattern. Then Savage went through a spell of "Viewers: name this new pattern!" I didn't really feel like I was learning anything and the patterns were pretty basic variations I didn't get much out of. Stopped checking in. I still watch Flagler whenever he puts stuff out, but it's seemed to slow way down.

Craven is entertaining for some innovative patterns and regular content. If I click on a Galloup video, I'm not looking to watch tying. I'm more likely having a beer and looking to hear someone talk sh!t near a vise.
Thanks to watching McPhail for 15 years (he was on Hatches.tv before Youtube), I can understand him well, and this training helped considerably with "Peaky Blinders." He has no tying video peer as far as I am concerned.
I'm also a fan of Davie's videos. Very instructive, and relaxing i might add. I'd also second the mention of Robert Smith (@thedalesangler). Beyond that i really enjoy Jin Woo Lee (@whiskeyjin9), and Barry Ord Clarke (@Thefeatherbender).

There are a lot of great tying channels these days.

Oh, and if anyone is warming up with a dram in preparation for Davie's accent, I recommend Ralfy and his enthusiastic whisky reviews.
I like Savage flies for simplicity. Sometimes McPhail is too complex. I will occasionally skip some of his steps and materials.
If I see that Savage Flies guy pop up on youtube it gives me the creeps. He's so twitchy in his videos... let's put it this way, I wouldn't leave my kids with that guy.