danger on the slippery rock!



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
carry it if ya got it!!!

someone needs to cap these slimy bastards. I HATE thieves!!!!!!!!
Ouch. My fly boxes are worth way more than my wallet.
Kennedy Mills? why would they fish there? I cant even tell you how many sleeze balls there are there. Not a good place after the afternoon hours.
I've never heard of someone being robbed while wading. That must be a wonderful neighborhood over there, crazy. At least no one got shot.
Bottom Feeders i guess only God knows why and what their purpose is ............when they come for the weapons use one as a shield.
Yo there brutus ....... you can have the wallet but i'll fight 2 the death for the rod.
Frew Mill Rd sounds awfully familiar to me. Is there a damn on SRC where Frew Mill crosses it? I think I fished this spot before. Tons of people were partying in the woods. My memory isn't too great so I could be mistaken.

I hate thieves.
When you cross the stream there, you will see a damn complete complete concrete. The place to go is about a half mile down the crick to a rock where you jump in and where you party.
poor kids. maybe someone should reach out to them and show them a safer place to fish.

i'm curious about the stick with the twine top and bottom too.
I'm tire of hearing stories like this. My grandparents called me two days ago(they live in New Castle) and told me about this. I've never fished that part of Slippery Rock, and don't plan on it either. Could happen anywhere though. A good day of fishing could change in an instant.
I was robbed on the Mon as a kid of my Garcia Rod and Mitchell 410 reel I saved up for years to buy. This incedent, along with encounters with some agressive racoons is why I now pack while fishing.
What's the deal out there in rural western PA?

I would not have thought that the area around Slippery Rock Creek would be any sort of crime haven. Are there drug problems there or what?

I fish here in central PA and also NC PA and there is a lot of rural country around here, and there is quite a bit of rural poverty. But I go fishing and hiking around completely worry-free. Never have any problems. Never heard of anyone hassling fishermen.

troutbert, in that area, I have sat on rocks within 10' of people doing heavy narcotics. I have been offered green powerbait, booze and acid. Ive seen some do snow there and people I think who were on heavier narcotics. Its a shame cause I was there last year in the day and the stone flies were every where feeding the rising smallies. I said to friends hey theres a bunch of stoners! but they thought I was talking about the hippies in the trees. It is a neat area,lots of natural water slides falls and swimming pools. After dark though things get a little rambunctious. We leave by 5 pm every time.
StarvinMarvin wrote:

I have been offered green powerbait, booze and acid.

Green powerbait! They've gone to the hard stuff.
Huge drug problem among the rural (non fishing and non hunting) youth in Pennsylvania. Makes me long for the day when a fishing rod, a case of beer, and some gas money was all you needed for fun.
It's everywhere now. It's always been in urban and suburban areas and to an extent out in rural areas, but I assume drug dealers have made a "push" to expand into fresher markets where market saturation, and thus the competition, isn't as strong. Plus trafficking logistics are now so established, they can supply the middle of nowhere on a regular basis.