Damn Bass!



Sep 9, 2009
I think the SMB are getting dumbed down!

LOL! I caught one on an almost bare hook last night. I got a snag and pulled my fly loose and it ripped off 95% of the material. (Some dumbass threw about 4 yards of barbed wire into the creek) Now who throws a coil of barbed wire into a creek?

I got the fly back to me with a piece of rusted barbed wire embedded onto the chenille that was hanging off the shank. I took a long stick and poked around where the snag was (since I planning on wading through that run) and found a wadded up ball of barbed wire which I hung on the end of a tree limb.

Then as I was getting a new fly out the flyline swept down the tongue of the pool and was just drifting "static" and my line pulled away from me. I brought the line back to put on a new fly and... HOLY CRAP... I had a SMB on the end of it!

Now why am I tying flies? I can just use a bare hook with some black thread attached to it.

But as it was getting dark the caddis started coming out in droves. I had to make a decision. Get back to the car while I could still see or fish an epic hatch.

I stayed. I could hear a fish slurping flies near a big logjam. Dammit. You big fat nancy-boy fish take my Goddam fly, will ya? Freaking prissy thing... refusal after refusal just sent my impatience skyward. I had just enough light to see my fly... C'mon fish will ya just swipe at it once? Make me feel like I know what I'm doing for once.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I put on the biggest #2 Home Invader I had and ripped it past the log jam. I heard the wake of that fish before I felt the tug. Then before I even realized that damn fish had hit my fly my reel was going "zzzzing" and line was humming out about 50 feet from the log jam.

Freakin' prissy fish jacked me up cold. After about 6 steps into deeper water into the pool I gave my rod some slack... then hauled back on it. "POP" goes the fly and I'm ducking about 70 feet of line coming back to slap me in my maw.

Time to go home! Tonight Mr. Fancy assed-fish... It's ON!
Great story dp. Sounds like the smallies are coming around.
Good Story.....lol