Czech Nymphing - Doing it Euro Style

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Most entomologist and anglers would agree that trout feed most of the time under water and mastery of nymphing can be a very productive.

Czech Nymphing has been discussed for a while, but recently brought to my attention by Ken Sperry over at Fly Fishing Reporter about this European style of fly fishing. The biggest difference in this method of nymphing is using up to four nymphs 18" to 24" inches off a dropper rig. Very similar to the often used tandem dry fly and emerger rigs used here.

Presentation is very similar to our high sticking a nine foot rod with an an arm outstretched with a very short drift. Strike indicators are often a part of a set-up.

These weighted nymphs are tied with gammarus hooks, lead wires and traditional natural and synthetic materials. Imitations are based on freshwater scud, larvae or swanky coloring in size #10-#12 hooks. Local nymph imitations with some Czech style modifactions would work best. The video below by Johan Klingberg demonstrates tying a proper Czech nymph.

I would love new rods and reels, but I don't really have any need for them right now.

I'm asking for a centerpin for the second half of steelhead season, but I might just wait until next fall.

About the only thing I can justify any need for is tying stuff.
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How about an all expense paid trip to Alberta Or Belize for Tarpon?

What is a 2010 Paflyfish Calender?
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I'm happy to get any thing at all.

I choose tying supplies..
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Working on a Pennsylvania Fly Fishing 2010 Calendar with some of the photographs from the Photography Contest this year. I have had several requests for this over the past couple of years and no way of really pulling it off until now.
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What I really want is for people to leave our cold water resources alone, for brook trout to grow to 14 inches in the wild, to stop road building and reduce development in our forested regions. Then again I'm the only 60 year old guy who still believes in Santa.

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Dave- you pick the winners of the photo contest?

Will those be part of the calender?

When will the results become known?

I did not submit any photo's because I did'nt feel I had a nice enough shot- maybe next time.
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I chose more time on the water and a new fly reel. I will be making a fly rod this year (9ft 5/6wt) for larger trout/ smallmouth bass so a new reel will be needed.
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I will be one of the judges and some of the moderators. I hope to be able to announce the winners by the end of next week. I am working on a calendar with some of the entries. Trying to get that together around that time and available to order before the end of November.
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Cool, thanks!

The only fly fishing gear I think I might need is a stripping basket-all else is only icing.
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I marked more time to fish (doubtful with the new baby)
and, a PAFF calander.

I would like a new rod (9-10' 9 or 10 wt.) but I would rather pick it out and build it, rather than someone buy it for me.
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One of my pick, was more time on the water. So Im hope for better health, been a tough two years.

Hopefuly things are changing!

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Somehow during the moving process I managed to lose my waders. And no they did not leak. At least not this pair. I bought them at Gander Mtn and they were a good breatheable Guide series Bootfoot.

I think I might want to get some thick insulated neoprenes this time, because I only use waders when its cold weather anyway.
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I put just about everything down. I don't need new waders because my "new" ones are almost all the way fixed. I always need new tying stuff and my big item is a new 3wt from albright. If I win my survivor pool here at work I may get myself an early gift!

Ohh and can't forget the calendar! I hope my picture makes the cut!
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I would hate to be a judge in picking the winner of the photo contest, so many great pics, where would you start.

I would like to see the calender workout, if so count me in for one!

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Sure, I'd always like to have more gear... but time on the water is what I really want. :-D
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Its not on the list, but I gotta vote for Pauls health as well. Hes missed a couple great days this year and has the ambition when hes up to snuff. And I missed a really good fishing partner.
Dogs did too. :)

Ended up voting for the calendar, whether mine makes it or not. We do have some cool shots in there and the difference maker for this item is they're ALL from Pa.
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I have to go with time to fish, since time is the most expensive of all the items. I'm just one lottery ticket away from starting my own fly rod chronicles show.
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We always fish Pine Creek near Gaines for 3 days the weekend after Memorial Day--generally a good time if water is not blown out from too much rain. Although I've seen the big brown drake hatch several times there over the last 30 years, there were no hatches to speak of Thurs-Sat. last week. But it didn't matter since there were a ton of fish in the creek and they were looking up anyhow for White Wulffs, yellow caddis, etc. Even my 74 year old dad had a grand time, and he's a rather inexperienced dry fly fisher. And i got pictures of a bear crossing the creek above me on Friday evening. Beer also tastes great on the front porch of Pine Tree Lodge.
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