Cyprinu Carpio



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Well I tried out Struble lake today for the first time . And caught one of these on a black whooly bugger size 4 . The lake is shallow so its good for fly fishing and it has a huge population of crappie . Besides the carp I only caught 1 bass and 1 perch .But I watched everyone around me pull out crappie like it was going out of style . The smalliest fly I had on me was the size 6 bugger and I guess the crappie didn't like it . I only fished the right side of the boat dock which seamed to be the were the carp hanged out . Next time i'm going to hit the left side and try my luck .



Neat report. Sure must be nice sight fishing carp without the ole eyeglasses. :)
Yup 20/15 for me now since the lazer surgery :-D
Maybe this only works in the early season, but I caught a lot of crappie in the Spring with dry flies. It may push your skills to the limit to fish them on top, Fred, but it wouldn't hurt to challenge yourself. :cool:
Did someone say Challenge ;-) I have never caught them on top but I'm usually casting small birds when I fish lakes . One of these days I'm just going to have to go out tarket them with drys just for you Jack :-D But I probally rather have a needle in my eye first before I do that :lol:
I think I am getting better at this smallmouth fly fishing. I got my my biggest on the long rod today:


Caught in the Youghiogheny River downstream from the Casselman and on the warm side of the river. He was sitting in some sunken branches about 20 feet from shore. He slammed the chartreuse and white Clouser you can see hanging from his mouth.
Jack, where PaulG and I used to fish for smallies, that'd be one you haul in quick so you could cast for a bigger one.
Jack how do I know thats Your arm in the picture . Thats no dry fly in that smallies mouth . Either way nice fish did you ask the guy who caught it how big he thought it was ? :lol:
Thanks for bursting my bubble. I was really proud of that one. As I said, it is my biggest so far on the fly rod. He fought pretty well, too.
I'd say that's a nice river smallie for fly fishing. So far the biggest I've caught this year has been about 14 inches - still dreamin about that 20 inch fish.
Nice smallie Jack. Be careful, catching them can become addictive. Wait until you have a day where they slam everything and anything presented on top.

I've been thinkin about going down to our spot and try catching some of those big bass.

I've probably ask you this question a dozen times, what time of year was that hatch, got to be soon!

Stop standing in the middle of my catfish hole. :)